GAP Diagnostic– new products / IIDTool update announcement 12/2013


New member
Just received my IIDTOOL BT and am fully impressed! I have used a Faultmate MSV-2 Extreme for several years but really wanted the functionality in something as portable as the IIDTOOL for the many trips I do into Sub-Saharan Africa ... far from the maddening crowds and of course far from any LR help! Next trip begins on 9th June so holding all the thumbs I have got that the awesome features in new firmware 3 plus full iPad app arrive in time.
Too new to the IIDTOOL to make a bunch of suggestions as yet - but really miss the fact that there does not seem to be any dedicated support forum like there is for the Faultmate. Their's is not the greatest forum [search function sucks] but so useful to pick up on tips and experiences of other users.
How about it GAP?


but really miss the fact that there does not seem to be any dedicated support forum like there is for the Faultmate. Their's is not the greatest forum [search function sucks] but so useful to pick up on tips and experiences of other users.
How about it GAP?

That is a REALLY good idea. I Second


New member

I currently have a 2012 LR4 and a 2012 Range Rover, does the IIDTool BT fit them both? Should I wait for the PRO?? I have to adjust the suspension height on the RR and was wondering if I then could actually also check the LR4. There is also something I wanted to edit, one of the screens for the radio offers the choices of inputs, can those "names" on the buttons be changed and edited using the tool... for example the one that says AUX rename it to RSES?? Installed Rosen video screens fro the kids and wanted to play around with settings.

Keep up the great work!!



Supporting Sponsor
Hi Guys,
Sorry for the late reply. Been quite busy and traveling too much.

Kernol, thanks for the Kudos. Check for updates just before leaving - we will be releasing quite a few items in the coming days. And please do report back after your June trip. And to you and Mack73: we have actually had a forum set up for over 2 years and even recruited additional moderators (one of whom posts here regularly). We decided not to go public with the forum back then because we had a few very informative threads going on various forums. We thought it better to keep people centered around fewer active information sources rather than having info scattered all over - and tumbleweed blowing through the occasional post on our own forum. :)
Much has changed since then and we have enough users to ensure that there will be no tumbleweed in any of our info threads. We will work on modifying the structure and getting it ready. First we need the IIDTool Pro out, tho...

AlmaX, the IIDTool BT will work on both vehicles even without an additional VIN license. It basically gives you a VIN-Lock free equivalent of a Hawkeye or Lynx Pro (for 1/3 the price) plus the additional functions such as CCF editing, EAS calibration, ECU flashing, etc for any vehicle you have a VIN license for (addtl. licenses can be purchased). See post #3 in this thread for more info.
As for editing the button titles: no, I'm afraid we can't do that. When we allow Car Configuration File (CCF) editing, we are actually only providing an interface for you to change options LR built into various ECUs' software. We are not programming freely. Changing the button titles was not offered as an option, unfortunately.



Release of the app and firmware V3.0 is imminent. End of this month.

Hey guys,

Where do we stand as far this ipad app and new firmware?
Will it finally include the nav on the move for the 2010 LR4?

Thanks for all the hard work.



Can anyone clue me in on what functions are performed when using to the tool for a "battery reset".

I will be swapping a dying battery in my LR4 soon, and have seen this option in the menu tree, but am a little hesitant as I can't find any description of what this does in the tool literature, google search, etc.



The function resets the BMS (battery monitoring system) module, which is built into the negative lead and monitors the battery's state of charge, current / voltage, quiescent drain. This information is sent to the rest of electronics to determine whether there is sufficient charge to perform certain functions in the car especially when the engine is not running, and to control output of the alternator to the battery in order to recharge it to its optimal state, without overcharging it, when the engine is running. The BMS is especially important on newer 2014+ LR4s supplied with the engine Stop/Start system and dual battery setup, but Land Rover recommends that the module be reset anyway even on older single battery models, whenever the battery is replaced with a new one. So, you should go ahead and run that process with your IIDTool after hooking up the new battery.
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Thanks Umberto. Swapped the battery with no issues, but when I ran the battery reset service routine, the iidtool returned a failure message that referenced an "E7" error.

Not sure what that means yet. Truck seems to working normally though.


Huh. Didn't get such error when I replaced mine. Try the routine again, if you get the same error send an email to the guys at Gap, they are normally very responsive. What model year LR4 do you own?


I upgraded my beta software to 3.0, but there isn't a battery reset routine. Is that something that was left out of 2005 versions of the beta software? I tried the beta version of the NAV ECU update and it works great. I have full functionality to enter destinations while moving (by a passenger of course...)


Tried the routine a few times and got the error message each time. I dropped an email to gap and will see what they say.


Supporting Sponsor
Sorry for the late reply. We took a little road trip to Cappadocia, Turkey in our L322. I will post more sometime soon - it was short (2 weeks) but very nice.

Hi Avslash,
We have not had any reports of trouble with this function - yours is the first. We will do some testing in the coming days and get back to you.

Hey guys,

Where do we stand as far this ipad app and new firmware?
Will it finally include the nav on the move for the 2010 LR4?

Thanks for all the hard work.

The app and the new firmware are out. Nav on the move will be added shortly.

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