soonenough said:
Exactly. I had an Automotive Design teacher in college that told us "What's one easy way for oil companies to make you feel great about paying 3 dollars a gallon instead of 2? Make you pay 4 dollars for about 6 months and then drop it back down to 3."
This little relief right now is nice, but I have a feeling they're gonna be puttin it to us even worse next spring/summer than they were this year.
There are a lot of people working hard to get gas back up to $4/$6/$8 dollars a gallon.
I remember hearing the OPEC guy say something to the effect of, people were buying at $140 a barrel and so we should be selling at $140 a barrel.
If you had something to sell would you not want its value as high as possible.
Anyway, its nice that gas is cheaper, for now.