Well, I've decided on some changes. I ended up with a newer raised top shell that has more room inside and nice sliding windows with screens, etc. I also picked up some yakima towers and bars a few days before. I love craigslist! I hope to sell the heavy lumber rack now that I have got out of carpentry and easily cover the cost of the new shell and yakima parts. Then I plan on building a nice full length safari rack for the top of the new shell. The reason I want to mount the seldom used big tools outside is that I sleep in the shell with my dog so there isn't much room
I already sleep diagonal since I'm 6'2" and its a 6' bed.
I did end up walking into a four wheel parts store around here the other day and picked up the tube mount for the highlift. It was cheaper than I found online and will work great on the roll cage for my Bronco