"Get the lead out"


Wave slider Crows and other animals can get away with consumption of lead due to its high birth rate but it costs the Apex slow breeding types IE Raptors . thatts what the laws were brought in for. after shooting for many of my 50 + yrs please enlighten me me to the types of poor non lead bullets
With all due respect, I would prefer to be the judge of what is, or is not, considered quality ammunition options. Especially so in the face of silly legislation that's clearly not rooted in any defensible science or even anecdotal information.

Think I'm wrong? Come spend a weekend with me shooting Sage Rats in SE Oregon and witness the thousands of perfectly healthy crows and other carrion eaters cleaning up the fields day after day.


"With all due respect, I would prefer to be the judge of what is, or is not, considered quality ammunition options. "
please do carry on and inform me . If you cant find ready made, try reloading


Reading is fundamental. Preserving the ability to make a choice of what I consider to be quality ammo is not the same as saying there are no quality non-lead choices.

However, that being said. I'm happy to inform you that solid copper and/or primarily gilded metal bullets are an absolute awful choice for most modern target shooting. I won't allow it on our range and I suspect it won't be long before they are banned in California and most desert climates in the west as well.

Then what? We try to backtrack and argue the silly, non-proven point about lead abatement and raptors? Actually, that point was proven to be false when some bright scientist decided to cut open the stomach of a condor and found out that Pandora's box is full of crap. I imagine he's cleaning the chimpanzee cage at the zoo now.


I find them great for modern hunting rifles. Are you driving them at the correct speed? I reload shoot at ranges from 5 ft to over 1000 m with multiple calibers. Theres a difference between use of them hunting and plinking/target shooting. As to using them at ranges thats different. But if you think a slight shift in ammo choices isn't worth it to the environment that you wish to be in more power to you. There ARE cases of Mad Hatters affecting the Apex predators. I'm not an eco terrorist, but I do believe in taking care of the environment . Maybe you should try D.U. rounds


I will repeat, this isn't an argument about whether non-lead ammo can be used effectively in hunting. Truth is, you can kill critters with a framing hammer if that's your thing. You've already submitted your ability to make a choice and I have not. That's really what it comes down to. More bald eagles and hawks are hit by cars each year than die from unintentional lead poisoning from ammunition. (Aside from the "other" kind of lead poisoning which is far more prevalent sorry to say)

I cannot shoot non-lead ammo for roughly 10 out of 12 months and if I want to practice with what I hunt with, I'm screwed. The reality is I can give you hundreds of reasons why I don't care for non-lead ammo but that's not really the point is it? The point is you, and many others, have been duped into thinking that this big game lead ammo red-herring argument has anything to do with the environment yet has EVERYTHING to do with people that want to eliminate guns, hunting or both pushing their propaganda.

As I said previously, if there were truth to this, every frigging crow within 500 miles of SE Oregon would be dead. Regardless of their breeding rates. They would literally be laying around dead like West Nile has mutated and was off and running again. That would include the Bald Eagle that has been happily munching on the the ground squirrels we've been shooting by his nest -FOR THE LAST 4 YEARS.

If you want to buy into it, that is totally fine. You are entitled to your opinion just as I am. But please don't expect me to sit back and allow others to use the government as their weapon for whatever war they are waging.


Personally i am neither, but when someone says that there are no good ammo choices for shooting I laugh and simply ask that they prove their point . As to getting rid of firearms , ya very cold day indeed. I have worked with a few wildlife recovery places and have seen the effects. But that hasn't blinded me to the fact that there is a very fragile ecosystem that we tread in and there are those that think whatever I do it doesnt matter. Well it does. I shoot crates of ammo yearly yes Crates , and when I am at the range i use FMJ copperwash and am happy with it. But for target shooting i shoot hand loads with the occasional hunting round to verify my aim point hasn't shifted. and from the sounds of it others who go out to take care of pest issues simply leave the remains there. Me Ill wear gloves collect and dispose of them in a landfill


Forking Icehole
and from the sounds of it others who go out to take care of pest issues simply leave the remains there. Me Ill wear gloves collect and dispose of them in a landfill

Try that here in Northern Nevada when we go shooting ground squirrels and you would need a dump truck! 1 day of shooting and there will be over a thousand dead squirrels or more in 1 alfalfa field, and that's just from me and the couple guys I shoot with in just 1 field!


I tried to tell him. But he shoots ammo “by the crate”. Lol. He hasn't learned that whenever you think you shoot a lot, there’s always someone out there that shoots more.

Easily a thousand rats shot today alone.

But I guess the farmers could always just spread poison and kill everything within 50 square miles.
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