Gladiator Pop-Up Pass Through Camper Build


Well-known member
Decided to complete the counter, to see if I like it. Heck, it's free materials anyway. I'm doubling up the edges, like a kitchen counter top. This will make it look beefier. I'm showing the underside.



Well-known member
Openning day of rifle season worked out well, with (8) deer taken from 7 guys. It was nice to hose out my truck bed after bringing them to the butcher. Here's a couple from one of the guys. Mine was a smaller 8pt.

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Well-known member
:unsure: ... You didn't just pop your Jon-boat up for some standing room and butcher them yourself? ... :cool:
Nope, but with the top up, it would have made a great deer stand.
Could you legally use your Jeep as a blind for hunting?

That would be illegal in Maine (for most hunters).
Sadly, no.

In Missouri, motor driven transportation may not be used to take, drive or molest wildlife.
If you find yourself in Texas:

"It is legal to:

hunt animals and non-migratory game birds from a motor vehicle, powerboat, sailboat, or from any other floating device within the boundaries of private property or upon private water.


:unsure: ... The wording of that seems to imply that motor vehicles usually float. ... Your Jon-boat should make Texas Parks and Wildlife quite happy! ... :cool:


Well-known member
To keep things simple and light, I hinged the center platform leaf pictured below to swing up as a door to the cabinet. Otherwise I would have had to store it somewhere anyway. In the picture, you can see a silver magnetic catch to hold the door up. I bought it from Lowes, and it's not strong enough to keep the door closed when driving/bumping around. Before I buy a stronger magnet catch, do you guys have a better solution? One of my problems is that when the door is laid flat, I don't want a protruding catch mechanism sticking up, which you would lay on. Give me some ideas before I buy the catch below. Maybe bunge ball catches (I can't find them)?IMG_7638.JPGScreen Shot 2022-11-17 at 7.06.30 AM.png

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