Do you happen to know the part number of the Anderson to 12v plug adaptor? I'm going back and forth with GZ as we speak..
Anderson to 12v power out? I don't think that exists.
Do you happen to know the part number of the Anderson to 12v plug adaptor? I'm going back and forth with GZ as we speak..
Are you on low setting? I looked it up for ARB, low is 10V and your goal zero battery has no charge at 10VThat isn't what's happening. Fridge shuts off with Yeti still at 50% charge. That means the fridge voltage sensor THINKS the Yeti is dead when it really isn't.
On AC power the fridge runs until the Yeti is dead. This is because the fridge is no longer monitoring the incoming voltage.
In my opinion this discrepancy is caused by resistance in the DC cig plug and connecting wires but no way to know for sure without measuring the resistance.
Are you on low setting? I looked it up for ARB, low is 10V and your goal zero battery has no charge at 10V
If you are running your yeti that low you will kill your battery
Don't use AC
There is not enough voltage drop in a short power cable to drop voltage enough for it to be substantially different, if the fridge is seeing 10V it should shutoff because the Yeti is dead
Anyone got their hands on the new Lithium Yeti? It's pricy but considering I don't have to worry about running it down to 10-20% 1000x I feel it may be a better investment, being smaller and lighter also plays into it. I'm considering picking one up, hooking it to a 100w roof mounted solar panel and the fridge. I'll run a dedicated 12v line from the starter battery to hook up the Yeti and/or the fridge when needed, but I doubt that will be very often. It would be nice to be able to power the fridge while its in a bear box (Yeti inside and solar on top of box).
Lighter is a big deal. The AGM Yeti is pretty heavy to move around.
Lifetime/Durability of battery has proven to be a non-issue for me. I've owned mine for almost 4 years now but the battery is only 2 years old. After 2-years I had a screen problem and Goal Zero warrantied the whole unit. If/when the new Yeti shows a loss of runtime I can buy a replacement battery for around $75.
I heartily recommend the AGM Yeti. The lithium Yeti is nice but that is a lot of $$ if weight isn't a priority.
It's not just the weight, but as I understand it, it is also more usable amp hours since the battery can be drained much deeper. It's only a 35ah battery to start with so if the AGM can be drained to 50% then you have 17.5ah usable battery, but the lithium can be drained to 80% giving you 28ah usable battery. That's a 62% increase, which is significant on such a small battery. I don't want to act like I know more than I do, because I'm just starting to learn, but from what I've read this is the benefit of Li technology.
You have no idea how long his power cable is or how poorly it is functioning. Very easy for a 10ft cig connector cable to pull voltage down 1-2v.
The Yeti is at 50%, not dead, when the fridge shuts off.
I just plugged my Yeti into my fridge to give actual numbers. It reads 13.5v at the fridge and drops to 12.4v when the compressor kicks on. That's a 1v drop over a 5ft power wire with good connectors.
the voltage drop that you are describing here is not because of the wire, its because batteries with no load will have an artificially high reading due to surface charge. To get an accurate reading you need a load. If the voltage drops to 12.4V when there is a load, then the battery is actually at 12.4V.
1V drop for a short power cable is not realistic, but let's pretend like it is. If you set your fridge to low it will shutoff at 10V. If the battery is actually at 11V it is dead anyways, it is over 90% discharged regardless of what the display is telling you.
i haven't seen anything that shows the fridge running longer, none of their facts add up
measure the resistance across the cord if you want to know what the voltage drop due to the cord
In my testing, with fridge set to (and at) 37F, without the fridge compressor running, the Yeti 400 showed that I was consuming 9 watts using the A/C. After switching to 12V DC, it was just 1 watt!
It wasn't OP, it was Green Hornet, and I don't believe them because their facts don't add up and their posts sound confused.