After months of rumors and leaks, Google has officially announced the Nexus 5 smartphone. Compared to last year's Nexus 4, Nexus 5 offers a 5 inch Full HD screen and LTE. There are two body color choices ( black or white), two storage memory sizes (16 or 32 GB), and two prices ($349 for 16 GB, $399 for 32 GB).
Since the nexus 5 offers no slot for removable memory cards, it's probably wise to buy the 32 GB model.
The Nexus 5 runs the Google's latest operating system, Android 4.4, code name KitKat. KitKat can be downloaded to several earlier Nexus phone models, but not all (see post below).
Google sells the Nexus 5 direct from its web store, and also through Best Buy and Radio Shack. Orders can be placed now. Versions of the phone are available for cell phone networks run by ATT, T-Mobile and Sprint, but not for Verizon in USA.
Compare paying $350 or $400 up front for a Nexus phone, with paying a cell phone carrier $100 to $200 up front, plus $20 a month for the 24 months of a typical contract. The Google Nexus approach is several hundred dollars cheaper over two years. Without a contract, you can choose to use a lower cost service provider if you wish.
Since the nexus 5 offers no slot for removable memory cards, it's probably wise to buy the 32 GB model.
The Nexus 5 runs the Google's latest operating system, Android 4.4, code name KitKat. KitKat can be downloaded to several earlier Nexus phone models, but not all (see post below).
Google sells the Nexus 5 direct from its web store, and also through Best Buy and Radio Shack. Orders can be placed now. Versions of the phone are available for cell phone networks run by ATT, T-Mobile and Sprint, but not for Verizon in USA.
Compare paying $350 or $400 up front for a Nexus phone, with paying a cell phone carrier $100 to $200 up front, plus $20 a month for the 24 months of a typical contract. The Google Nexus approach is several hundred dollars cheaper over two years. Without a contract, you can choose to use a lower cost service provider if you wish.