Gordigear Rooftop Tent


First, I say props to Helmut for stepping right up like a man to defend his product. I don't see his post as any type of over reaction which would warrent him chilling out.

I'm becoming more and more burned out by the quality of people who enter our hobby every day. This isn't meant to slight anyone who has posted here, but I see more and more band wagon jumping and xenophobia on this site every day. It seems that anyone who tries to make a buck doing something similar to what someone else here already does, the torches come out and the accusations start to fly. It all seems so Salem-esque to me. Now maybe I'm crazy here (comment from the peanut gallerry fully expected on that one), but I think that GordiGear offers a unique product that's not currently available in our market and I'd like to hear a little more about it.

Well said BMAN. I agree with your impressions. Welcome Helmut. I too am interested in your products, though I'm not in the market right now.


Belinda Turner

New member
I wouldn't really have mentioned any of this in the thread if Belinda hadn't got a little under my skin and annoyed me, and for this I apologize.

Martyn, I'm curious as to what statement I made caused you such a great deal of annoyance. If I indeed offended you somehow, I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention. Next time I get under your skin, please lash out at me and not the brand I'm writing my experience about. I kinda regret now posting my experience here in the first place. I'll stick with the impartial, non-sponsored forums in the future.


Welcome to Expo, please don't let this thread upset you. There are some people here that like to get on their holier-than-thou soapbox every once in a while. Just ignore them and move on. There is a wealth of information on this site and the majority of the people here are cool and supportive.


Expedition Leader
Welcome to Expo, please don't let this thread upset you. There are some people here that like to get on their holier-than-thou soapbox every once in a while. Just ignore them and move on. There is a wealth of information on this site and the majority of the people here are cool and supportive.

I agree with the above. However, Martyn is one of those supportive and knowledgable members. I did think he was a bit harsh in his posts. I agree with all, we need to support our forum sponsors, but new products should always be welcomed as well. Belinda, Thank you for your input.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Martyn, I'm curious as to what statement I made caused you such a great deal of annoyance. If I indeed offended you somehow, I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention. Next time I get under your skin, please lash out at me and not the brand I'm writing my experience about. I kinda regret now posting my experience here in the first place. I'll stick with the impartial, non-sponsored forums in the future.

I don't think I lashed out at any person, product, or country.

Simply stated I was asking the question, why would you buy a product from overseas if the same product is available in North America.

If it's a different product how is it different, and does the difference justify the purchase.

If it's the same product, how does purchasing the product from overseas stack up against buying it from locally from a company that supports the community.



Sorry for opening up an old thread. Just thought I add my experience to this.
I purchased a Gordigear roof tent a couple of months ago and it has exceeded my expectations in every way. It's been through some heavy wind and rain without any issues. By no means does it appear to be mass produced.

I also find their website to be one of the better ones I came across. I'm not sure what webpage you were referring to Mr Wiggles, but I had a look at
www.gordigear.com and found it quite informative. But then maybe they have updated their webpage between your post and mine.
Just my 5 cents worth....
Happy camping! :victory:

Am new here, so thanks for having me.

Belinda, are you in any way affiliated with Gordigear? Just curious.


New member

Yes I'm still reading (albeit with decreasing interest considering posts #21 and #22). I'm sure we can come up with a tent or solution to suit your application. Can I suggest you contact us via our contact webpage (http://www.gordigear.com/contact/contact.php?l=en) and we'll take it from there. I'm not trying to fob you off, I just think it would not add to the topic of this thread if we'd discuss it here.


Belinda Turner is in no way affiliated with our organisation. You found one person (an IT Management Consultant?) that goes by the same name in Adelaide and suggest that this is evidence enough for her affiliation with our company. Outright spooky.
Australia may be a small country population-wise, but that doesn't mean that everybody who lives here is working for the same company. Do yourself a favour, look up the distance between Adelaide and the Gold Coast (which is where Gordigear is located) on Google Maps and you'll see that we're talking about roughly 2000km. Unless of course it's all one big conspiracy...





Yes I'm still reading (albeit with decreasing interest considering posts #21 and #22). I'm sure we can come up with a tent or solution to suit your application. Can I suggest you contact us via our contact webpage (http://www.gordigear.com/contact/contact.php?l=en) and we'll take it from there. I'm not trying to fob you off, I just think it would not add to the topic of this thread if we'd discuss it here.


Belinda Turner is in no way affiliated with our organisation. You found one person (an IT Management Consultant?) that goes by the same name in Adelaide and suggest that this is evidence enough for her affiliation with our company. Outright spooky.
Australia may be a small country population-wise, but that doesn't mean that everybody who lives here is working for the same company. Do yourself a favour, look up the distance between Adelaide and the Gold Coast (which is where Gordigear is located) on Google Maps and you'll see that we're talking about roughly 2000km. Unless of course it's all one big conspiracy...



No problem, I guess the timing of Belinda's and your posts also seemed odd.

Welcome to the ExPo.

And by the way, I am a bit of a conspriacy theorist, but only concerning the US Government. :elkgrin:


Timing would be spot on if I owned a company that I had interest in what people thougt about my product and I did a Google search of my company on a semiregular basis. When searching Gordigear, this thread is the number two hit. I would guess that yesterday it was in the top ten or 20 hits. It's not out of the question for Helmut to have signed up yesterday.

That said, I'm done here. Welcome Belinda and Helmut. I will be contacting you at the above address in the coming weeks Helmut to discuss my options.

The Swiss

Expedition Leader
Belinda, Helmut, welcome aboard.

Maybe we could look at this from a different angle: There are several pop-up camper and trailer manufacturers in the US, but how many roof top tents sold in the US are actually manufactured in the US? None to my knowledge!
  • Autohome (Maggiolina, Columbus, OverCamp, OverZone) is manufactured in Italy
  • Camping Lab in China
  • Mombasa in South Africa
  • Campa in Australia (?)
  • Serengeti (South Africa)
  • Hannibal (South Africa)
  • Eezi Awn (South Africa)
  • ARB (Australia)
(Please help me out and complete my list as I'm sure I'm missing one or two. I think there is one that looks more like a tent-cot that might be Canadian made.)

From his 3 posts Helmut appears to be an OK guy. Instead of pointing fingers at his as a foreign vendor, maybe he would be interested in working together with one of our sponsor vendors here in the US. Maybe this is not a threat but an opportunity.

I am all for supporting local vendors (heck, the company I work for is a OEM-supplier to the automotive industry manufacturing here in the US, so I guess I know a thing or two about foreign competition), but the fact is that we are living in a global economy. Let's use this fact to our advantage.

Just my .02 centimes.


I have been looking into this particular style of tenting, trailer tents, for a few years now, and this market is just now getting some attention here. I believe AT has a tent for trailers as well as Camping Lab, which are are both very attractive in thier own, and the vendors are very stand up people whome I would gladly purchase from. For what it's worth, I've been talking to Helmut on his web site for the past 24hrs or so concerning his product, and how, along with how much, it would be to get it over here. Along with US Customs, whome have been very helpful in thier own, The experience comunicating with Helmut so far has been great. Helmut has been very fast to respond to all my questions, and has provided information about flexability in the design of his product. (ie; changes on sizing to fit individaul needs.) As things go, I'm sure that we all can benefit from a broader market availability on this very specialized field of goods. I'm very seriously concidering Helmuts product, as it adresses my specific needs, at a competative price, with shipping and Customs taxes added in. If I do pull the trigger on this purchase, as this tent comes close to meeting my wants and needs, I will be glad to do a write up and photo essay on the product as well as the process of buying, purchasing, and Customs.

Please forgive any grose spelling errors, as I'm working the first week of an eighteen week grave shift, and loaded on steroids for a medical condition. (I've read this post 6 times and I think it makes sense?)


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Expedition Leader
I see no problem with another option to a quality product that is already limited in this country. I would like to hear form more people that own this particular tent.



I hate to rehas this heated thread, but I stumbled across the compant as well and it seems like the price is right for a trailer tent. 1500, THE CAMPING LAB ONE IS Listed at 3000. Just curious as to any other out there? or has anyone had any dealings with this company?

thanks guys

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