Graduated ND Filters


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
expeditionswest said:
My mistake Dave,

I purchased a P120 G1 and a P121 G2, both grey ND. Thats what I get for typing from memory :)

Now I need to wait for a nice blue sky with some puffy clouds. Fortunately, in Prescott, that is nearly every day :jump:

Yeah, memory is a bad thing to rely on sometimes, eh? Now what were we talking about? Oh yeah, beer.


Expedition Leader
I use the Cokin system too for playing with colors but not their NDs. I use a Tiffen for that; it's actual glass and does a nice job. They also come in long lengths so you can get a more gradual shift- it blurs the transition a bit more than most of the shorter filters. The down side is that they used to package them in a padded case instead of a hard case (I don't know what they use now)- you can see where this is going. I fell on my camera bag and broke it; luckily it only broke the clear end and I used a glass cutter to cut that end off. Still makes me mad though.

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