I was thinking in OME springs + shocks, what do you think?
For endurance I don't think you can beat OME. The friends we travelled with in Africa had OME springs and shocks and they had no problems over more than 30,000 miles. They were running OME 755s on the rear. I'm running 754s.
I choose the progressive SG springs because Greg at SG suggested them. Now having used them, I have to say they are amazing. With as heavy as my truck is, and a 3" lift with no sway bars, I rely heavily on the suspension, and I have no complaints. I get some lean on the road, but I can still easily accomplish 30 deg sideslopes which is pretty good for as heavily laden as my truck is.
Of course, you cannot get the SG progressive springs anymore, so I would suggest OME all the way around.
Do do agree that the 265/85R16 forces more the bearings and other differencial / suspension / drive parts? Have nay previous experience to compare?
I would agree that the bearings take a little more stress, but I haven't had any problems so far with the 265s. I also had 265s on my D90, and ran that for a long time. The D90 was significantly lighter, but it also didn't have a salisbury in the rear. I have no problems running 265s.
cheers, and welcome to Expo!