Interested (as of Oct 2 - We have 10 @ $59.00+ S&H)
Well at the present discount, it's cheaper for you to buy 11 at $52 which comes to $572 vs. $590.
Interested (as of Oct 2 - We have 10 @ $59.00+ S&H)
Well at the present discount, it's cheaper for you to buy 11 at $52 which comes to $572 vs. $590.
Yup, that's how discounting generally works, the more you buy the cheaper the price/unit! Does this mean you are interested?:costumed-smiley-007
No, no, although I like the Stauns, I already have a set of Smittybilt deflators. I was just pointing out why buy 10 @59 when it's cheaper to buy 11 @52 and divide the cost over 10 people. The price then is $57 per person. Oh and then you can send me the 11th. Hahaha. :bike_rider:
Sign me up to make your 11 and $52.
I am in, just let me know when and who gets the $$$. This i sa set of 4, right? I read the entire thread, but still no clarifaction which ones.
These, right: http://www.4wheelparts.com/prodDetail.aspx?partno=STNSCV5 but a diffrent vendor.
Put me on the list too
I normally run my tires at above 30psi on the street, so when I air down, the starting PSI is higher than the 30. Is this a problem for these deflators since their range is 6-30?