From the first posting I gather my mini 14 is OK if I paint it black.
That's kinda sad as mine is an early one with wood on top of the barrel as well as the stock and I went through a dealer's entire shipment of 30 mini-14s (His original shipment of the new rifle) to find the one with the prettiest close to matching top and lower stock. Then I spent hours polishing the stainless steel barrel and the stainless steel clips. I've always kind of regretted not taking the effort to find a stainless steel scope to match the rifle. But I do have a nice tooled leather sling dyed to match the stock.
You realize if I have to paint it black in order for my rifle to to be considered socially acceptable I would need whole new shooting outfits and to change my shooting nail polish colour.
Would gloss black be OK as it would go better with the black scope?
Oh drat! I just remembered, my pistol is nickel plated. I would need to either paint it too or replace it with a black one and get a black holster. Right now the holster matches the brown of the pistol's wood handles and the tooling carries on the theme of the rifle belt tooling.
Black can just look overly severe when worn in large amounts. Though black might look smart when the gear is used to accessorize a green shooting outfit.
You guys have opened a can of worms that will need a lot of thinking to properly colour coordinate. The military has trained specialists who design uniforms, colour coordinated to go with their weapon systems. Civilian shooting forces all that work upon the individual shooter. And just when I have a nail polish colour figured out that nicely contrasts with my wood stock and does not clash with stainless steel you force me to reconsider my choices. Oh well, fashions change with the times. I guess I'll just have to paint it black and order some fabric swatches to drape over the rife then hold up next to my face to see what works best. Gun owning can be a lot of work and accessories can be quite expensive.
Hummm I wonder how black pearls would work?
I think the fingernails could be in camo.... :elkgrin: