GXV Patagonia on Volvo chassis


Thanks Michael - I really like the look of it, and know plenty of folks fulltime domestically with Volvos. The lack of a driven front axle, size, ULSD, etc just make me curious about what it will be used for.

The front drive axle is hydraulic. It is limited to 15 mph when engaged and when speed is increased above the 15 mph limit it will disengage itself. The owner did not want a step frame to accomplish a transfer case and front drive axle. The USLD limits his travel to the USA and Canada however his fuel capacity extends that somewhat.


What looks to be the same truck was converted by Tulsa Truck manufacturing http://www.tulsatruckmfg.com/
The owner wanted the vehicle as low as possible but have all wheel drive, so Tulsa used a hydraulic driven front axle for
the front of the vehicle. Sounds like the owner did a lot of research for his options. By the way Todd at Tulsa was full of information on class 8 truck conversions.
View attachment 327758 View attachment 327761

Same truck. As I said this is a sharp guy and very detailed.


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The EZ Trac or Poclain (one of the original designers) AWD system is brilliant and works exceptionally well as both front wheels have drive motors, like a locker but they are independent of each other so steering is largely unaffected. You don't really need the front drive axle after you get going so the 15mph cut off is fine. Great choice, the step frame chop or "Z" frame is the worst thing you can do to a truck chassis. That's a very nice Volvo, looks great.


Western Dirt Rat
Love all of the dismissive comments about an absolutely brilliant truck. Old hat around here when somebody builds a big truck. "But you can't even dream of doing elephant hill in that beast!" or some other nonsense. Believe it or not, many people have different priorities with their builds and not everybody wants to love out of an FJ. This is the first Class 8 expedition vehicle I've seen with the hydraulic (Poclain) AWD system, which is the absolute future. It provides a much lower and even center of gravity, a much more safe highway speed, no T-case or front diff and attendant 4x4 steering, front end and friction problems. It's obviously able to carry an escape vehicle or three. Perfect for deep backcountry travel when you might really need AWD to get you out of a tough spot but not necessarily up Elephant Hill.

One of the coolest things these eyes have ever seen.


Love all of the dismissive comments about an absolutely brilliant truck. Old hat around here when somebody builds a big truck. "But you can't even dream of doing elephant hill in that beast!" or some other nonsense. Believe it or not, many people have different priorities with their builds and not everybody wants to love out of an FJ. This is the first Class 8 expedition vehicle I've seen with the hydraulic (Poclain) AWD system, which is the absolute future. It provides a much lower and even center of gravity, a much more safe highway speed, no T-case or front diff and attendant 4x4 steering, front end and friction problems. It's obviously able to carry an escape vehicle or three. Perfect for deep backcountry travel when you might really need AWD to get you out of a tough spot but not necessarily up Elephant Hill.

One of the coolest things these eyes have ever seen.

You rant about dismissive comments and then you dismiss everyone's comment. HA! To each their own.


lost, but making time
Jeepers, what a beautiful rig ! ! ! Wow.

Sure hope my wife never sees it or at least I can win the lottery beforehand.

That interior would make her very happy :)


There's no end to discretionary income we know, the owner could just as well have decided to spend 2 million on one of these and not given another thought.


Instead he created something unique and no doubt exactly as he wanted it, like many others here.

I hope I see more!



Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Ridiculous waste of time, money and resources.

Someone has a big fat wallet and a tiny $#&(R#

Ouch, I guarantee you that there are people who say the same thing about you (unless you overland naked, catch your food by hand, and eat it raw). Why so angry?


wow, what a bunch of softies.....sheesh...

I can assure you that I could have 10 million dollars in cash in the bank and I would never build that truck or anyting remotely similar to it in scope or size. The whole purpose of having a capable expedition vehicle is to get away, into the back country, off the beaten path and away from the busy state and national parks & campgrounds packed with people. It is to go see places and experience things that most people will never get to.

The truck is not physically capable of going many/most places off the beaten path, simply due to its size. There are gas stations and McDonald's that you could not get it into. There are small towns, main streets and town squares where it would be difficult to manoeuver. Travelling down a narrow or unfamiliar dirt road in something the size of a large school bus? No thanks.

Second, the idea of getting away means not taking your entire house and every whiz-bang gadget known to man, with you. If I wanted to stay inside in comfort, I would simply stay home. You dont need automation, marble counters, gold faucets and five TV's in your motorome to go "camping" If I wanted all of that, I would buy the 2M bus above and park in the various Class A campgrounds in the western US.

Finally, disagqreeing with someone, posting an unpopular opinion or something politically incorrect, does not make me (or anyone else) a "hater" or "angry" It means I disagree with his decision to do what he did and I expressed that opinion on a public forum. I am happy to delete the post if it offends those with thin skin...

I think it is a stupid idea to weld two VW Beetles on top of each other to make a roof top tent. Someone else may think it's an excellent idea. The "politically correct" or "you can't offend my sensibilites" or "you can't say a curse word because my son may read this" really needs to go. It's 2016.



Western Dirt Rat
wow, what a bunch of softies.....sheesh...

I can assure you that I could have 10 million dollars in cash in the bank and I would never build that truck or anyting remotely similar to it in scope or size. The whole purpose of having a capable expedition vehicle is to get away, into the back country, off the beaten path and away from the busy state and national parks & campgrounds packed with people. It is to go see places and experience things that most people will never get to.

The truck is not physically capable of going many/most places off the beaten path, simply due to its size. There are gas stations and McDonald's that you could not get it into. There are small towns, main streets and town squares where it would be difficult to manoeuver. Travelling down a narrow or unfamiliar dirt road in something the size of a large school bus? No thanks.

Second, the idea of getting away means not taking your entire house and every whiz-bang gadget known to man, with you. If I wanted to stay inside in comfort, I would simply stay home. You dont need automation, marble counters, gold faucets and five TV's in your motorome to go "camping" If I wanted all of that, I would buy the 2M bus above and park in the various Class A campgrounds in the western US.

You've obviously never seen what a logging truck or a great basin sheep hauler can do. You'd be surprised. "Second, the idea of getting away means not taking your entire house and every whiz-bang gadget known to man, with you." Seriously? Says who? I'm of the mind that you should get out of your FJ and WALK. But who am I to judge your decisions? Why do so many get the feints at the very mention of a large vehicle? Wait to you see what I'm doing. It will really make you mad.


Love all of the dismissive comments about an absolutely brilliant truck. Old hat around here when somebody builds a big truck. "But you can't even dream of doing elephant hill in that beast!" or some other nonsense. Believe it or not, many people have different priorities with their builds and not everybody wants to love out of an FJ. This is the first Class 8 expedition vehicle I've seen with the hydraulic (Poclain) AWD system, which is the absolute future. It provides a much lower and even center of gravity, a much more safe highway speed, no T-case or front diff and attendant 4x4 steering, front end and friction problems. It's obviously able to carry an escape vehicle or three. Perfect for deep backcountry travel when you might really need AWD to get you out of a tough spot but not necessarily up Elephant Hill.

One of the coolest things these eyes have ever seen.
The Patagonia is a dream. I would *LOVE* to own one. Customized with more geek stuff like a lab (computer racks) and a more elaborate home theater, but damn that is freaking killer! I'd live in it, not looking at that like its a toy. To each his own.


Second, the idea of getting away means not taking your entire house and every whiz-bang gadget known to man, with you. If I wanted to stay inside in comfort, I would simply stay home. You dont need automation, marble counters, gold faucets and five TV's in your motorome to go "camping" If I wanted all of that, I would buy the 2M bus above and park in the various Class A campgrounds in the western US.

The idea behind Expedition Vehicles is not "camping", but "living" for extended periods of time far away from campgrounds.

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