With the very cold temps up here in the PNW, I'm still trying to think up the ideal heat solution for the Habitat. I've gone through several ideas in my head, and I seem to have settled on the AT rear shelf with a Propex HS2000 mounted on it, the exhaust plumbed through a hole/fitting through the side of the Habitat top (maybe near the propane tank, or?). I'd opt for the set up AT sells with the heatsource mounted in the toolbox, then mount the toolbox to the rear AT shelf.
Those who have the Propex HS2000, is this enough heater for the Habitat? Would the HS2800 be a better option? I'd like to be able to camp in any weather, really. Just got back yesterday from camping in 19 degrees and it sucked. I'd rather have too much heater than not enough, I hate the cold.