Thanks for the kind words guys.
The name came from years ago, I have always cut stuff up and put it back together and a couple of my buddies came up with the name and it just stuck.
I love cars, any shape or form of them.... My daily driver is the blue volvo on the trailer, it has an ls1 and t-56 in it, you can see where the name comes from I think.
So, I had to spend most of the weekend with the family but I did manage to get the drivers inner fender buttoned up, cleaned up the wiring on that fenderwell, mounted the cruise control actuator, got the radiator installed with new hoses, battery is mounted down for good, bolted the body down, installed the hood release cable and the cowl and hood, aligned the hood, adjusted the latch and got rid of the dually bed, the gantry and all my other scrap metal.
Here is what the engine bay turned out like for the most part, this is before the hood and cowl and I still need to build an intake for it.
Then got it all loaded up on the trailer to take it to the frame shop tomorrow. I hope that he can fix what I have going on with the frontend or I am kinda screwed. =)
Tires landed on shore last week so those should be here this week, wheels are on order and I need to get some metal to get going on sliders, bumper and the bed.