Well it was quite the soggy weekend here in the PNW....that did not stop me from working in the shop though.
The wife and dog were out of town all weekend so it was go time. Got the Green Volvo finished up and actually drove it around town for the first time Friday night. Some low boost (15psi) runs put a smile on my face for at least a few minutes.
77 chev and my friend Asher came by for a good part of the weekend to help. Thanks again Guys, never could have gotten this much done without the help.
So picked up the truck on Friday, got it home and unloaded. Got to work on it about 2 on Saturday after cleaning up the shop and the mess from the green car.
Scott and I put together his bender in the driveway with his new fancy Hydro setup (I need to get one for my bender ASAP) The setup is from a local guy Troy from SWAG. It was awesome. The fact that we were bending tube out on the rain sucked, but the fact that we were bending tube in such a small area and it was super easy and quick was priceless.
Saturday got the majority of the frame laid out, center pieces and bent up one fender opening. Sunday morning I came out early and got the other side and back end cleaned up and ready to build on. Here is what the base of the bed looks like.
So with that all tacked up and where it should be, we grabbed some lunch. When we got back the rain had really moved in so we moved the old girl into the shop and got to work on the rest of the toob work.
This is my happy medium of a headache rack and rool bar. I could not get myself to make the stubs stick up any higher, but I wanted to give myself the ability to bolt on some extensions and use it as a latter/pipe rack. So the top of those tubes that look like devil horns will have a washer welded to the top of it with a nut on the bottom that I can bolt accessories to it.
I ended up making the bed a little bit shorter than I wanted to, I wish that I would have made the bed 6'6" instead of 6' straight up but hindsight is what it is. I left 48" between the down tubes so I will easily be able to fit a 4x8 sheet of wood or whatever in the bed.
Got the truck loaded back up on the trailer after we pulled off the bed and delivered it back up to the frame guys place about 10 pm last night.
Hope to be able to get the bed finished up this week and ready to go back on the cab when I get it back.
Now to figure out what to plate it with and what I want to do for a filler neck and an x behind the cab.