Forum Name: mtbcoach
First Name: Jerry
Call sign: KJ4KGF
Radio: none yet, ordering Yaesu 8800 and HT next week
Class: Technician
Freq usually on: 2M / 70 cm
Location: Cary, NC
Forum Name: CaBowhunter
First Name: Randy and Rhonda
Call sign: KI6WTT and KI6WTU
Radio: 2 Yaesu FT-7800R
FSJ Cherokee and CJ-5
Class: Technician
Freq usually on: 2M / 70 cm
Location: Lancaster, Ca.
Forum Name:deltarat
First Name: Bob
Call Sign: K6ON
Radio's: Too many to list, see:
Dodge 2500 CTD 4X4
Class: Extra
Freq: All Bands
Location:Sacramento, CA