HAM Operators- Post up here


forum name: Corax
first name: Keith
call sign: kb3scj - technician class
radio: Yaesu FT-2800 2m 65w
antenna: 1/2 wave mag mount
location: eastern PA, mobile throughout W NY, PA, MD, VA, WV

Just passed my general and awaiting a new call sign to reflect the region I live in now.

A new call isn't necessary, but according to the VE, at least I don't have a Region 6 prefix - something about Oregonians not liking Californians and no one answering a CQ


New member
I was not sure where to post these but since they are Ham Radio related I figured here was a good spot. If I need to move them please let me know.

FWC Grandby on a 2004 F250. The first picture is the Buddipole setup in Muller State Park Colorado this March. The Last two are in the Great Sand Dunes State Park Colorado the next week in April. It was windy to say the least which forced me into the camper to operate. The radio is a Elecraft K2 (sometimes a K1). I use solar and battery and inside the camper I am coming off the camper battery. The Elecrafts have low drain and are excelent CW radios. I have a two meter in the truck but have only used it a handful of times since it has been in there. I do not know if any of you all like CW, HF or portable but I am always looking for new ideas. I saw a slick APRS setup in another thread, it looks very interesting.




I have recently become a member of P.O.T.A. (Parks On The Air / they have a yahoo group) and if you make 5 QSOs from the park (any band any mode but no repeaters) then you have officially "activated the park" after the logs have been sent in. Just another way to combine two great hobbies.



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First Name: Darrell
CallSign: KC0MJI
Radio: Yaesu VX-170, Yaesu FT-2890R
Location: Colorado Springs, Co.
Frequency: 2M
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First Name: Jeremy
CallSign: W5LZQ
Location: Harvest, AL
Radio: TBD

This was my grandfathers call sign and after he passed away a few years ago I took my test and applied for his sign. I'm just now getting his equipment hooked up and am trying to decide what to keep and what not to. The radio I have is one of his. It's a Radio Shack HTX-242 but I'm quickly learning that it's not going to do the things I want so a new one may be in my future. I have yet to make my first transmission but hope to soon.


First Name: Jeremy
CallSign: W5LZQ
Location: Harvest, AL
Radio: TBD

This was my grandfathers call sign and after he passed away a few years ago I took my test and applied for his sign. I'm just now getting his equipment hooked up and am trying to decide what to keep and what not to. The radio I have is one of his. It's a Radio Shack HTX-242 but I'm quickly learning that it's not going to do the things I want so a new one may be in my future. I have yet to make my first transmission but hope to soon.

It's very neat that you have your Grandfather's old callsign. My Dad is a ham as well, and I'm sure nothing would make him more proud than if my son did the very same. Very cool.

Good luck, and hop on the air and enjoy yourself. The 242 is a nice, basic rig but it definitely lacks some of the newer bells and whistles.


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