I realize everyone likes to save a buck but if you are relying on your comms for an emergency then maybe consider a multi tier approach. HAM, SPot or other combinations of devices / services.
Back to the HH question The beofengs are awesome right up to the point they are not. I've had 3 UV5R. Each has had issues making them useless. Even when working the audio quality, intermodulation distortion and frequency drift were not acceptable. I'm not an isolated user with issues. I've led several trips with groups of 10+ vehicles and each time there is at least one beofeng user... with issues. I'm sure you'll find plenty of advocates (this thread included) but I would recommend something of higher quality.
Our Comm stack: Cell Phone, HAM radio, SAT Phone, PLB
I do have an app on my phone that will work without data or signal and it does have a S.O.S. option on it but I never got to test that function so I don't know how well or if even works with no signal or data so I am looking for kind of a fail safe option that is budget friendly, I know tall order but I am open to see what is out there and I am not really stuck on a set price I just know my safe cap is $250 or less ( preferably under $200).