How did this thread die?
I was raised wrenching Craftsman, Sears was 5 miles from my Grandpas house and I had 8 aunts if he broke a tool he sent one of them to get it replaced.
I was a tool snob for years no Buffalo, flea Market stuff for me. Craftsman was as low as I would go the Matco Truck came to the Truck Stop Garage I worked at in Michigan as I finished High School, Great service and tools were designs I liked, then I moved to Virginia Beach and worked at Pep Boys Mac was the truck that came there. Moved back to Michigan and Snap-On was the truck I dealt with. I sort of got out of the wrenching game and went to work for the Department of Correction. 15 years and I have been in 3 shops and used company tools. I got exposed to a lot of brands working as a Lock Smith, working on Network wiring and Surveillance systems. Everyone is owned by someone Matco, Crescent, Allen, Armstrong, Gearwrench, KD, Apex all owned by the same Company. SOG makes tools for Paladin, Ideal owns S.K. now. I have 2 pair of wire stripper crimpers that are exactly the same one says Matco in black on the red handles the other says Stanley in black on the yellow handles oh and the shop pair says Klien in yellow on red handles all 3 exactly the same. Get what works for you. I Like the Gearwrench starter sets they are a good packing list to go by (I’m sure they would rather you buy their tools not just use them as a packing list) Craftsman doesn’t have a good packing list until you get to the big boy sets. I still have my Snap-On catalog from 1994 and guess what that SAE or Metric Sets that were available then are still the exact same sets and part numbers so they haven’t improved their packing lists either. I have all 4 drive sizes and the funny thing is I have never broken any of my 3/4” drive stuff. I must be using the right tool for the job. Yes I have tool lust and would love to have that $300 Dewalt or Milwaukie 1/2" impact but I wouldn’t be building a trailer or owning a jeep if I spent all my disposable income on the big 3 truck companies or what people assume is quality. I found that out buying tools and wrenching on my friend’s cars and their friends cars they could afford the superchargers and body kits because they didn’t have to pay for tools or learn the skill, I had the tools and the ability just no money for parts buying all the tools. I did come out ahead though none of them have those cars anymore but I still have a crap load of tools.
Just my .02