Happycampers on Tour


New member

So do you want me to look for camp sites near Cape Cod? When you say bedding, would a single blow up bed fit or is there already something in place and I just need sheets, pillow and a comforter? I am really looking forward.




We picked up Mike on the Dalton Highway.
He had been on the road for 7 hours on a cool drizzly day with some very long hills and decided that was enough. We drove him 20 miles to the Yukon river camp and restaurant. He was very grateful.


Cornwall2capehorn met us on his way up
Denali was next with awesome animal sightings, even some mountains which are very hard to see and magnificent vistas


New member
Wow- those Denali snaps are great. Is that the mysterious Mt McKinley. And you seemed to be above the mountain goat (or whatever it is). Heard you were in Calgary over the weekend. Hope the hosts were hospitable - I'm guessing the Kiwi was happier than the wallaby follower. Sunday night was the congrats night for Tash and Nat who did the ride to conquer again - and a thank you from them for the supporters (including absent happy campers). Tough ride with the EKKA westerlies in full force on the first day (the westerly run!!!). Life goes on..I must snap some local animals to make you home-sick. Apparently one human animal is missing JL. Enjoy.....


Thanks BrookyTom

Thanks for the update Tom.

We had a wonderful two days here, super dinner in the Calgary Tower last night.

Off towards Yellowstone today, and goodbye to AJ.

More pics in a day or two.



New member
Lisa's friend Joan, who has vacationed in Cape Cod many times and knows the area well gave me quite a few ideas of where to visit and what to do while there, even some directions. We probably can talk to her a little more about it at the wedding or at Lisa's on Sunday. I've talked to several firends who have also visited Cape Cod and all of them love it there. I believe we are going to have a great time. Less than 2 weeks away. YAY!


Last of Alaska

The Alaska pipeline. Interesting engineering solution to pipes on the tundra; the radiators on the top of the posts keep the ground from thawing with the heat from the oil.
Biggest collection of stolen public property from all around the world
Copper mine buildings at Kennecot
Another victory for the road. It had just been graded and one of the pointy little rocks pierced the Firestone HT centre tread!



We are now in the USA, south Dakota and will be in the lower 48 for a month before going back to Australia for a period of time, yet to be determined, and then we go south.

We will add a little to this now and in 2013 we go down.

Thanks for following.


Back in Canada

After SD we drove up to Duluth and around the north shore of Lake Superior and across to Ottawa where we rae now. Next will be Montreal tonght trhen down through some fall coloured forests to Springfield MA for the weekend with family.

We are loving this travelling, although the last 4 days were long ones on the road. Yesterday was a day of Tim Hortons coffee shop stops. We find they are perfectly spaced for the chain coffee consumer. People are wonderful and the pssing scenery is awesome. Off to see the cuty now.


Vermont is very fine but no fall colours.

We left Montreal ant 0900 ish heading south. Smooth sailing until we got to the border. The crossing took an hour! Cars idling, road rage happening as people pushed in after getting their duty free shopping. And the last coffee making its presence felt.

Eventually we crossed without incident and are now at a place within an hour of where we have to be for the wedding at 1600 saturday. Quite a relief after an epic dash across the continent.

On Monday we will see the Atlantic ocean in the Cape Cod area, can't wait.

Ross and Jenny


End of part I

To finalise this part of the trip, here is a summary of our time and the travelling and a little of our expenses.

This leg was very much a travelling holiday with about 18500 miles travelled in 65 days, a fair pace in anyone’s book. This was the plan though, to test ourselves and the truck and camper. All came through well but we will definitely slow down from now on.

We had 68 days total, 55 with the camper on and we camped 38. There were 16 nights with friends and family, 13 nights in motels/hotels and 1 in a plane.

We spent $1800 setting up the camper with porta pottie, fridge, bedding, appliances, utensils and basic food stuffs.

RV parks and camping cost about $25 per night with the highest being in Vancouver, $62, ouch! Motels etc averaged at about $100 per night

Fuel spend was about $5000. It was all cheaper than we are used to in Australia so did not concentrate on the highs and lows too much.

We put $500 into tools and spares for the Dodge and spent $2200 on brakes, a wheel bearing and servicing it. Registration and insurance were $1200 for a year. One puncture repair and one tyre replacement came to $400.

The Alaskan marine highway cost us $650 for two small trips but was very enjoyable and I would say good value.

We made almost all of our own meals when camping, lunches too and found value in the supermarkets everywhere. Restaurants when we were in the hotels/motels boosted the daily average.

We will hope to travel more cheaply in Central America on the next leg.

For me the highlights were,
- the Dalton Highway and its terminus at Deadhorse, 70˚north, being the end of one endeavour and the start of a trip to Ushuaia.
- Seeing the animals, bears, sea otter, caribou, musk ox, moose, arctic squirrels and so on that do not exist in our country.
- The canyons and gorges of Utah, Icefields Parkway in BC, glaciers, top of the world highway, Dempster highway and I really liked coming out of Yellowstone and driving to Cody Wyoming.
-Cape Cod was unexpectedly enjoyable and Martha’s vineyard was not so, but I am glad to have seen it and the lighthouse tour at Rhode Island was awesome value.
- We stayed away from the big cities mostly but loved Seattle, Denver and Montreal.
- We appreciate man’s ability to engineer solutions to nature’s barriers and we saw some great examples of this in the Alaskan pipeline, Duluth lifting bridge and the locks on the great lakes. There are some great road solutions too, the USA truly is the country of the automobile

But overall the best things are the amazing people that we met everywhere, from family who hosted us to travellers in campgrounds and at fuel stops, waiting for roadwork to complete or stopping us in the street for a chat. We love you all. We will be back.

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