Has your Cruiser ever left you stranded, and if so, what broke?


Howdy ExPo Cruiserheads.

Thought it would be interesting and entertaining to see if, why, and where our Cruisers have let us down. Could be a great resource for preventative expedition prep.

I'm on FJ60 #2

My first '86 with 155k left me stranded twice. My current '87 with 208K hasn't yet. (don't expect it to)

First incident was night before T'day on the commute home, clutch (which had been slipping for months) just let go. Completely my fault. SOA with 35" swampers with the stock 3:70s. I might as well have asked someone to slash my tires in the middle of nowhere!:Wow1:

Second. Same rig, doing donuts in the obstacle course at HH after one too many Redbulls one morning (total "hey guys....watch this" moment") caught a rut and did a slap/roll/bounce ending up on my roof. Young and DUMB!!! hit hard enough to move the firewall 6" towards the driverside and completely flatten the front 2/3 of the roof. Took her through most hardcore trails in Norcal and I killed it in a flat dirt lot!! DOH!!

So basically I've never been stranded by my Cruiser, only my own stupidity.

How about you guys (and gals)?


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
I don't want to comment, cause i don't want to jinx myself on our next trip :D (but with that said you get the idea)


Expedition Leader
My only issue with my FJ60 in 4 years was a coolant hose blew out on my way home from 29 Palms. It was only about 110*F out that day. My own fault for not replacing anything on it when I first bought it. Replaced the hose, fill with coolant and drove on.


Supporting Sponsor: Cruiser Outfitters
Once. I was in my 40 on the Rubicon 6-7 years back. Broken sector shaft on steering box on the Old Sluice. Paul (Equipt) was able to winch me up off the trail. All night ride with 5 dudes in an FJ40 to Reno, get a box and drive back in and replace. Not a fond membory.

It did leave me limping a second time. Sheered a pitman arm in half on Cat Canyon. We were able to use a cut-off section of hi-lift handle, 10 ft of parachute cord and ductape to build a 'cast'. I drove it back to the trailhead and put it on a trailer. I now have a far beefier Pitman and a spare.



LSPV on my FJ62. What a way to ruin a trip, no brakes and no stores open to get the parts to bypass. You can however bet that I will never have that issue again.


Supporting Sponsor
starter on my 100 series poo'd out in 02

Oh and those are so user friendly to get at on the trail! It wasnt until I started working here at IPOR that I found out where they were located and what was involved in replacing or servicing the contacts. Holy Crap! :Wow1:


Wire from ignition coil to distributor had been arcing for a while. Before I could replace it, had to go on a trip. Going down the freeway in northern New Mexico, roads were horrible with potholes.

Hit a somewhat big one, engine died. Pulled over, started looking around. Eventually found the ignition coil wire had come off. Had some trouble getting it back on, and it was only held on with its own resistance and gravity for the next 800 miles before I could order a new coil and wire. Duct tape was trapped under ARB bumper, snorkel, and Slee sliders in the back that I installed at my destination.

If I had lost that wire completely, or was unable to reattach it, would have been completely stranded. It was also Thursday before the 4th of July weekend, luckily the local Toyota dealership was able to overnight it on Friday, and I picked it up on Saturday. If I was 2 hours later it ordering it, it would have been delayed to Wednesday.

You can see the post is mostly disintegrated, as was the wire.



New member
leaving the service station a few weeks back in my 40 and it just died. wasn't getting fuel, so i got a buddy to tow me to the shop. layed underneth it for a while just looking and noticed the guy at the service station put the skid plate back on and pinched the fuel line. glad i didn't have to replace the fuel pump, but geez.


Supporting Sponsor: Cruiser Outfitters
Once. I was in my 40 on the Rubicon 6-7 years back. Broken sector shaft on steering box on the Old Sluice. Paul (Equipt) was able to winch me up off the trail. All night ride with 5 dudes in an FJ40 to Reno, get a box and drive back in and replace. Not a fond memory.

It did leave me limping a second time. Sheered a pitman arm in half on Cat Canyon. We were able to use a cut-off section of hi-lift handle, 10 ft of parachute cord and ductape to build a 'cast'. I drove it back to the trailhead and put it on a trailer. I now have a far beefier Pitman and a spare.

I should note there is a clear pattern with my breaks, non-Toyota parts :D


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
My OEM wiring harness in my FJ40 left me in the dark outside Cisco, UT from which left my now-wife and me in one of the most harrowing moments we've ever experienced.



New member
My only issue with my FJ60 in 4 years was a coolant hose blew out on my way home from 29 Palms. It was only about 110*F out that day. My own fault for not replacing anything on it when I first bought it. Replaced the hose, fill with coolant and drove on.

Oh the fond memories of 29 Palms! Sort of.....

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