having problems with jeep!


New member
its not starting, the battery and ALT. were replaced on Feb.14th. i took the ALT., starter and battery to autozone to have them checked out. they checked out fine. so i replaced the ignition switch and the headlight switch today and still nothing. its a 93 xj W/ 4.0 Auto. any thoughts would be helpful! thanks


Expedition Leader
Is it cranking but no start?

that would lead to either a fuel pump issue or the Crank Position Sensor goign bad. CPS die pretty often, followed by the fuel pump.



Expedition Leader
Two idea's

A. check your CPS sensor with a multi-meter. If it reads 0.00 ohms you'll likely need a replacement of the sensor itself or the wiring going to it. The CPS will cause a non-start symptom and is a common repair/cheap part.

B. Get yourself a length of 10-12 gauge wire and jumper the white fusible link that is on the
driver-side fender. This link (no idea what it does) will also cause a non-start.

Check these both out and then post up what you find. These are both very common and very simple/inexpensive (less than $50.00) fixes


Expedition Leader
Could also be the neutral safety switch if an auto.

yup, good point. mine is a bit sticky, but will always start in N if needed...

Try that, too, flnngabriel.

something makes me think that 1993's don't have the same issue as 1991's and 1992's though. Something
about them removing or improving the NSS.
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New member
its not even cranking

its not even cranking over. i tried to start it in N to no avail. its dark now and no lights or garage to work in so ill start up again tommarow. prob around noon as i need to go to the scrap yard to get money for parts. thank you for your suggestions thus far and ill keep you posted! sincerly Flynn and Savannah

Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
its not even cranking over. i tried to start it in N to no avail. its dark now and no lights or garage to work in so ill start up again tommarow. prob around noon as i need to go to the scrap yard to get money for parts. thank you for your suggestions thus far and ill keep you posted! sincerly Flynn and Savannah

So if it doesn't turn over, does it at least make a repeated clicking sound or does it do absolutely nothing at all?


Then you're not getting power to the starter or your starter is dead. Check the leads on the battery (try twisting them), and check the ground (the short wire) to the body.

It could be something else that is preventing power going out, though. You should check or ask on NAXJA.

My XJ does that occasionally too, in my case at least, it turned out to be the ground wire from the battery had come loose. Im planning on making new battery cables soon, so you may want to consider that as well.



Automotive ADHD is fun!
every time this has happened to me it's been the starter solenoid. Kragen/Autozone/Checker/Whoever will test your starter for free.


New member
we put a trickle charger on it left it for about an hour then tryed to start it. it clicked a few times then nothing. once we took the charger off it did nothing again


Expedition Leader
Have you cleaned the batt terminals and cable ends? Corrosion will prevent current from flowing cleanly.

Your starter solenoid is getting juice to click but not enough to turn the starter over. You have either a bad battery, bad cables, or a bad starter.

My money is on the starter.

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