Hella 500 vs. Hella 500FF?


Besides the shape of the reflector and lens, does anyone know if there is a big difference between the Hella 500 and 500FF? Also, is there a huge difference between the older German style 500 (with blue sticker) and the newer style 500? As you all know the newer style Hella 500 and 500FF can be had at Walmart and the German made Hella 500's for $39 on Amazon.com. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. I also plan on upgrading the bulbs to 100w.


  • hella 500.jpg
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    hella 500FF.jpg
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Expedition Leader
Well I bought the Hella 500 for 29.00 at Amazons and they are great for the price, plenty of light but seem to be more of a spot light to me.

I also have the IPF 968's and they are completely different, I now have them both in my ARB Rack with the Hella 500's on the outer sides and the IPF's in the center and they seem to blend very well for me since I do not do hi speeds on the desert!

Hellas 500"s

IPF's 968"s
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Expedition Leader
I have installed both sets on different vehicles, and I can't tell much difference other than the appearance of the lens. The mounting system on the 500's is pretty bad compared to my 1000FF's. I wouldn't put them anywhere they are likely to experience any vibration.


New member
I have 5x500's on the front of my bumper, two dwon low as fog lights and three in the center of the bumper. They project enought light, and I do do a bit a night mountain/rock crawling. For the price, they can't be beat.

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