Help Finding Full Float Axle for 03 E350?

Definitely a hard task as I was looking for the same exact thing, a D60 rear FF with 4.10s and LSD. Using I ended up finding one local (no LSD) but decided not to swap it out with my current D60 FF w/ 3.55 gears. I still have it if you
are interested.

Where are you located?

Thanks everyone for the responses!

Yeti Tom

recently found a 99' full float d60 4.10 with disc brakes for 250! yes, ive been crying everyday for not getting it


Greyhound bus shipping is cheap.

Edit - though, not sure if it would be too heavy for them.

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New member
I did not see it after reading through this thread, what vehicles/years do the Sterling 10.5 with discs come out of? I saw mention of Superduty trucks but not much else. I gather I am looking for an axle with a 10.5 ring gear. Looking to put this in my 97 E350 with 7.3. My drum brakes are shot and I have very little interest in rebuilding them...


Expedition Leader
Not a bad idea. Even with the discounts I managed, rebuilding the rear drums was about $700 worth of parts. US prices are often better, but I'd have gone disc if it was reasonably possible.


I wanted the same set-up for my 2003 E350. I found a Dana 70-2U out of a 2001 SRW cutaway box van, with 90,000 miles on it. It has a 10.5" ring gear, it's a Full Float, 4.10 ratio (with open differential), 5" wider WMS (tracks even with front), same 8 on 6.5" lug pattern, spring perches, calipers, etc.. I can post the BOM # tomorrow if you want to search for one from a 99-01 SRW cutaway box van or moving van. You will only find this axle with either 3.55 or 4.10, and limited slip will only be found in the axles made for U-Haul vans. Hope that helps!


New member
I was thinking to get the kit from ujoint to swap in the Sterling 10.5 to make this as painless as possible. The info I need to search for the axle is year make of model of donor truck that has the Sterling 10.5 with discs.
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^^^ hates cars
^^^ he states right in the add for the kit you're referencing that they use the 05-07 10.5 Sterling axles.

I about had an 05 Sterling axle in my 03 yesterday but right before we started getting it ready to put in, we realized that the 16" wheels I have wont clear the calipers. So I got to put the stocker back in. Always a great day when you put the parts you planned on scrapping back in :(


New member
^^^ he states right in the add for the kit you're referencing that they use the 05-07 10.5 Sterling axles. (

Yes an 05-07 10.5, but out of what vehicles? They don't list axle I.D.'s on car-part and I did not see the donor vehicle info on ujoints site...just the year.


^^^ hates cars
I found mine in a 2005 f250 with a 6.8 on I just did a search for 05-07 ford f350's. Then after finding the gear ratio coupled with a lsd I wanted I called the yard and verified. They were able to send me a picture of the vin tag. I confirmed the tag matched what they said it was, then took a trip out there to confirm myself.

If anyone is interested I have a full float axle from a 00 e350 that I wasn't able to mod like I thought I could. 100% complete with disk brakes and full length uncut ebrake cables.


New member
That helps. I will start looking through the f350's. Thank You. What stopped you from using the axle your trying to get rid of besides the wheels not fitting over the calipers?


^^^ hates cars
No issues fitting wheels on axle for sale. Just couldn't figure out how to make that axle 8x170, so putting it up for sale. My 16" wheels won't fit over the calipers on the new sterling axle.

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