If I only had those three calibers to choose from and given the unlikely possibility of a defensive engagement due to the weapons unavailability, the 9mm parabellum is probably the cheapest to shoot.
If I only had those three calibers to choose from and given the unlikely possibility of a defensive engagement due to the weapons unavailability, the 9mm parabellum is probably the cheapest to shoot.
I haven't read every post in this thread so I may be commenting without enough information. It sounds like the intent of the original poster is to acquire a handgun for mostly recreational use and fun. I'm going to go against everyone else and recommend a match grade .22 like the Smith and Wesson model 41 pistol
A match grade pistol isn't cheap initially but they aren't too difficult to find used. The advantage the .22 rimfire is that you can shoot thousands of rounds more cheaply and with less physical wear and tear than you can with a larger caliber round.
Learning to shoot well is much more important than making a big blast and the best way to do that is shoot thousands of rounds with a quality handgun.
With a quality match grade pistol, even a .22, it is possible to set up the grips to be similar to a larger caliber pistol. This makes it easy to use a larger caliber without having to alter shooting technique.
I haven't read every post in this thread so I may be commenting without enough information. It sounds like the intent of the original poster is to acquire a handgun for mostly recreational use and fun. I'm going to go against everyone else and recommend a match grade .22 like the Smith and Wesson model 41 pistol
A match grade pistol isn't cheap initially but they aren't too difficult to find used. The advantage the .22 rimfire is that you can shoot thousands of rounds more cheaply and with less physical wear and tear than you can with a larger caliber round.
Learning to shoot well is much more important than making a big blast and the best way to do that is shoot thousands of rounds with a quality handgun.
With a quality match grade pistol, even a .22, it is possible to set up the grips to be similar to a larger caliber pistol. This makes it easy to use a larger caliber without having to alter shooting technique.
Oh, and Fireman - thanks for the review. A bit more detail, perhaps (since yours is the first negative thing about the CZ-82 I have heard)?
I dont claim to be knowledgeable about guns, by any stretch of the imagination and some very well may disagree with my logic and theory but here goes..
For home defense I purchased a Mossberg 500 .12 gauge pump shotgun with a 18" and 27" barrels. At home I keep the 18" barrel on and stagger 00 buckshot with steel slugs. From what ive heard from friends and family in law enforcement, someone on drugs (meth, coke, etc.) can stand a 9mm shot and even a .40 cal shot and keep coming. for that, I want to be prepared with a big kaboom! Additionally, the thought of being accurate, late at night, awoken from a dead sleep, with shaky hands, a thumping heart and and a groggy mind, didnt seem realistic. The impact area of a bullet is pretty small, but the impact area of 00 buck out of an 18" barrel gives me a much better chance of hitting my target and being able to follow it up with a slug. In addition to the firepower behind a shotgun, the sound of racking a shotgun will deter all but the ballsiest intruders, given you hear them. Like you all, its something I hope to never encounter. Also like you, if I ever do find myself in that position, you bet im gonna empty those shells to protect my family.
Regarding a handgun to carry in the woods/truck, sorry, cant help you there, but I am following this thread as im considering the same type of gun for myself.
A goose load at close range would do some SERIOUS damage to an intruder but not go thru any walls. Your buckshot will definately do damage, but may or may not go thru a wall.
"probably no reason to shoot snakes or fish or insects either"
No reason to shoot snakes, fish or insects? That's crazy talk.
A really big nest of wasps and a red ryder BB gun can provide nearly endless hours of amusement.