HEMA Explorer North America


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I don't know the distance but looking at the ruler on the screen it's about 2 miles. Here is a screenshot. Its in Baja. Its the turn off from Highway 1 onto a dirt road that takes you to the legendary surf spot otherwise known as The Wall (left waypoint in screenshot). The right waypoint is the turn off. I got the GPS coordinates from a friend who has been there and who created the GPS coordinates. HEMA North America is supposed to cover Mexico but I see on dirt roads listed on my app. I have the HERE Terrain and HERE Street maps active. Which map should I use for dirt roads? I am new to HEMA (obviously).


How far is the distance between the points? Can you provide any other additional details to make it easier for folks to try to replicate what you are trying to do? Like starting point and ending point.


Supporting Sponsor
I think I have it figured out. I switch to HERE satellite view and was able to create a route on HEMA CLOUD that then automatically synced to my app. Cool!

IMG_6609.jpgScreen Shot 2016-12-16 at 1.52.56 PM.jpg


Supporting Sponsor
Note to HEMA. Creating a waypoint by entering GPS coordinates should be possible on the HEMA cloud map, not just in the app. Now I have to drop the pins in the app and go back to the cloud to create the route then go back to the app to make sure it synced. A bit fuzzy, no?

Rick Masters


My requirement is to download massive areas for offline use, basically NM, AZ, CA, NV, OR, WA, ID, MT, WY, CO, and UT, though I could probably narrow it down a little bit to more specific areas. I want to make sure that it is actually possible to download all of that data on HEMA as topo-type maps. I'll spend a lot of time exploring in those regions using a device without mobile data and don't plan on being many places with WiFi access. Is that possible with HEMA? What kind of storage requirement am I looking at?



My requirement is to download massive areas for offline use, basically NM, AZ, CA, NV, OR, WA, ID, MT, WY, CO, and UT, though I could probably narrow it down a little bit to more specific areas. I want to make sure that it is actually possible to download all of that data on HEMA as topo-type maps. I'll spend a lot of time exploring in those regions using a device without mobile data and don't plan on being many places with WiFi access. Is that possible with HEMA? What kind of storage requirement am I looking at?

Seems like a lot of area that you won't have coverage to download maps. Even at the very least download each state as you go.

With that said I don't know if you can download that much for offline use or not but I'd imagine it's only limited by how much space you have on your device.

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My requirement is to download massive areas for offline use, basically NM, AZ, CA, NV, OR, WA, ID, MT, WY, CO, and UT, though I could probably narrow it down a little bit to more specific areas. I want to make sure that it is actually possible to download all of that data on HEMA as topo-type maps. I'll spend a lot of time exploring in those regions using a device without mobile data and don't plan on being many places with WiFi access. Is that possible with HEMA? What kind of storage requirement am I looking at?

Depends on how many layers, what map type and zoom level. But it would be a lot of storage room. I took a quick glance at Colorado using a single layer and it was 25gb.


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Thanks for that feedback, that feature is on the top of a quite lengthly list for the next major cloud update =)


Supporting Sponsor
Here's what I recommend:
Choose 1 or 2 (maybe three if you want to get crazy) layers that you want to download the entire state, such as Colorado.
Draw your box to download that state using the Download Map Section, Download an area.
Don't try to download past Zoom level 14:

I usually don't go past Zoom 13 for very large areas.
Hit Save, name your map something, and be patient )

The app will not let you download more than about 3GB of data at a time.

THEN...if you need Zoom 14-15 for smaller areas, download those as a separate download.

We have plans to enable bulk downloads of exclusive layers that will let you tap once to download an entire state (about 2GB) at Zoom 13. Stay tuned for that =)

Seems like a lot of area that you won't have coverage to download maps. Even at the very least download each state as you go.

With that said I don't know if you can download that much for offline use or not but I'd imagine it's only limited by how much space you have on your device.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thanks for the answers! Can the data be saved to an SD card?

If there wasn't an unresolved for 9 months bug that prevents you from doing so you could. Unless there has been some fix to the Android version that I am unaware of. Yes, I am one of the folks that bashes Hema for not updating its application. This has been a major complaint and is a part of this thread.


Supporting Sponsor
I agree, in the NA market we expect things to be updated when bugs are found, and it's unfortunate we've gone this long with resolving these issues. As far as I know, you still cannot save data to the SD card so if you have a low-capacity device you'll need to rotate maps ;/

If there wasn't an unresolved for 9 months bug that prevents you from doing so you could. Unless there has been some fix to the Android version that I am unaware of. Yes, I am one of the folks that bashes Hema for not updating its application. This has been a major complaint and is a part of this thread.


Supporting Sponsor
FYI, the iOS 1.0.1 update that fixes syncing and enhances performance is out. The android update is currently being tested :)

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