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I guess I am kind of old school....yeah I have paper of course, everyone should have paper & compass (and actually know how to use the compass with a map)
But on the tech side of things I mean I am old school in that my netbook works great with OziExplorer and Delorme Topo.
I run both at that same time off a usb GPS puck and Franson GPSGate (to split the incoming signal).
I get auto routes, searching and easy highway stuff on Delorme with good topo, and killer USGS raster old style paper with Ozi.
The only thing I use every once in a while is TerraGo toolbar to run the historic maps with a GPS dot on them. Really nice in the southwest for making the scans of 100 plus year old paper maps come alive.
Of course I am always interested in something better, just watching and waiting to see if this is that better thing.
Anyone looked in HEMA and their Baja coverage?
Hi Lance, thanks for your initial feedback, as always
First, it's expected that the Hema Explorer may not be the perfect tool for a very specific use-case, such as yours. You clearly have your system dialed in and are happy with it. With that being said, get with me offline & I can show you what we're going for a little more in-depth.
Right now our Mexico/Baja coverage is limited to worldwide layers with HERE & Thunderforest Outdoors. It is not likely to remain that way, but we have to launch with something.
Plenty more great stuff coming!