But it's still not fixed! You can change the directory and the tiles indeed save to the SD card but the displayed path doesn't reflect this change causing users to repeat the action. This should have been an easy bug to fix. I spent the better part of an hour yesterday proving to myself that the tile folder actually changed to the sdcard. I shouldn't have to do feature validation as a user on a $20 app!
The only option in the current Android version 1.0.0 under Settings>Units is to change the lat/long coordinate units.
I think there's good promise in the App. From limited experience it has a good UI on Android. Not as slick as the Motion X UI on IOS, but I'll gladly take the improved tile download speed. I do have two complaints though: 1) it's not ready for prime time. If Hema is going to advertise it all over the forums and facebook feeds they should have done their homework to ensure its completely bug free and sorted out. It's no coincidence that the reviews are at 2.8/5 on Google Play. 2) be up front that it's Gaia with a Hema wrapper. I was expecting a new product for my $20 not new packaging.
Heading out onto the trail for four days starting tomorrow. Will be running in parallel with MotionX to see how she performs in the wild.
I'm not Hema tech support and only have the iOS version. I do have Gaia for Android and under settings I can scroll down and see where you can check metric or nautical units. So not sure where Hema has changed those settings.
I agree they should have not launched and been more up front but guessing the marketing department said move ahead full speed ready or not because of the Overland Expo. Gaia for Android has more map choices. The iOS version is still my preferred version of Gaia though.