Hi-lift versions


looking at the Hi-Lift jacks and not quite sure which version to get.
I'll only be needing it occasionally, maybe a few adventures a year.
Are the all-cast and x-treme that much better than the cast/steel?
Are they functionally the same?
I plan to only have it on the truck when I'll need it, but what if it were mounted all the time?

I'm thinking I may as well pay the extra $25 and get the X-Treme, just to be on the safe side...


The Credible Hulk
I have mine inside the vehicle, so it isn't subject to rust concerns. I hose the working parts down occasionally with WD40 to clean, lube, and protect from rust anyway.


For the full low-down...

Hello srschick... You ask GREAT questions about the Hi-Lift Jack. Really, the complete story (answering your questions and those you don't know to ask) and use of the Jack is in a chapter of the new book I'm writing for Overlanders and Off-Roaders. If you would like a draft copy of that chapter on the HiLift Jack, just email me at bob.wohlers@discoveroffroading.com. I'd be glad to send you a PDF of the chapter as it sits right now. Best Regards, Bob.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
If trying to watch the budget on a Hi-Lift I would suggest it's better to spend extra money upgrading from the basic 48" stamped version and get the 60" tall version before spending on the cast and Xtreme features. The stamped parts are functional but running out of length is more of a PITA. Even on pavement you use most of the 48" bar unloaded the suspension, figure when you put the jack in a hole with the truck off camber even a stock truck needs the length and requires you to stack a few less rocks, so it's that little bit safer.


Expedition Leader
Hi lift did not invent the farm jack so any brand is OK. I used a Harbor freight one and liked it better than the hi lift I have.


strategic command
Hi lift did not invent the farm jack so any brand is OK. I used a Harbor freight one and liked it better than the hi lift I have.

I used to have a generic one that always worked fine.

Never thought of replacing it, but sold it with the truck it came with.


Hi Lift and the like have been around almost as long as Ford, Chevrolet, and Chrysler. If I were buying a new one I'd go with the cheapest 48" or 60" Hi Lift offered and spend the remainder on the Bumper Lift and Lift Mate accessories. The only thing to go wrong in it is the lifting mechanism which is basically four small parts. Keeping it lubed or keeping lube available for when you use it and they will literally last a lifetime. The only problem I've ever had with one is trying to use it "Dry". I've lubed them with water and/or snow and the lifting mechanism started working fine.

Good luck with your decision.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Last time I used mine I needed to lube the mechanism and used my olive oil sprayer from my kitchen kit ;)
I had an old crusty dude once tell me it's best to store them dry and keep a can a WD40 in your truck all the time. Spray the mechanism when you need to use, since you will need to anyway, and without lube the other time it doesn't pick up dust. Plus, you'll need WD40 eventually for something else anyway.

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