High court strikes down Chicago handgun ban


16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
I generally vote left but this ban was flat out unconstitutional and I agree with the courts. Also the only people without guns are the legally carrying ones regardless.


We went over this in a law class today. Basically, it just told the state and local governments that they have to follow Supreme Court case law (Heller) and stop being idiots. The decision affects them too, not just D.C.

Although, the ban is still in place and the mayor is going to do everything he can to regulate pistols despite the decision. Which sucks, but such is the way of things especially in politically oriented state such as Illinois

Anybody from Chi Town here?



Chicago's mayor stated a week ago or more that he was already prepared to set up new regulations if the court ruled this way. It will work the same way as the D.C.-Heller situation, where the total ban is gone, but the restrictions and hoops that citizens of Chicago will have to go through will keep 99% from actually ever applying.

Chicago is considering requiring insurance on anyone who keeps a handgun in their home, as well as mandatory training. They have also said that they will pass rules to keep any FFL from operating inside the city.

It will take additional lawsuits before the people living in Chicago or D.C. are allowed to actually exercise their rights, like keeping their weapons loaded or GASP!!!!-carrying them outside their homes.

There is nothing that could persuade me to live in a place like that.


New member
Since the SCOTUS ruling, Daley wants, among numerous other restrictions, to limit Chicago residents to the purchase of one gun and not to allow that gun outside of the owner's personal residence - not even into their yard. That kind of leadership brilliance isn't going to provide the balance needed between gun rights and sensible gun laws.

This will take a LONG time to be sorted out in Chicago.

Meanwhile, 3 police officers have been killed in Chicago since May added to about 30 homicides so far this month.
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