High court strikes down Chicago handgun ban


Rendezvous Conspiracy
So, Im a firearms owner, more long guns than hand guns, but agree with the bans. I live outside of DC and have for a little over a decade. I can remember when you did not want to be anywhere outside the mall past 3 or 4 in the afternoon. The handgun ban took hold, the law was enforced and the violence and homicide rate dropped precipitously. It was fantastic. Since the repeal, the official ban no longer exists but DC has tailored their law to make it such a complete hassle to buy a handgun that many wont even bother.

Im not a strict constructionist nor do I completely agree with judicial activism but there has to be some leeway given for public safety but I know that this is impossible. The Constitution is a yes or no document. DC was terrible and the hand gun ban made a dent. Chicago IS the wild west. The homicide rate is second only to the likes of Detroit and Baltimore. Sometimes, public safety has to be looked at. I guarantee that Chicago will make it incredibly hard to buy a gun. As long as they dont say 'NO,' they can do whatever they want and I truly hope that they do. You should search through some of the news bureaus about Chicagos culture of violence. It really is shocking. The latest case of a flag being flown upside down (if you dont know what that means, google it) I can think of was in Chicago in front of a church, I believe.

On a related note, there are 900 laws that will be going into effect in Va this year and one of them is a change to the concealed law. You can now have your gun with you in certain public venues, including those that sell alcohol. Sweet decision :rolleyes:

I too am a firearms owner. While I don't doubt that you believe this, I find it very difficult to believe what you've said concerning the relationship between the DC gun ban and violent crime. This comes from not only what I've researched but also from friends living in that area. Since the gun ban was enacted violent crime skyrocketed. I am not aware of any credible study which shows these law have worked -- by which I mean that they have reduced crimes by individuals using guns.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Guns are not the problem. On the contrary, lax criminal penalties and laws that disarm the law-abiding are responsible for giving criminals a safer working environment. Murder and rape are already against the law so why would those who commit such atrocities abide by a gun ban?

Dave Bennett

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Guns are not the problem. On the contrary, lax criminal penalties and laws that disarm the law-abiding are responsible for giving criminals a safer working environment. Murder and rape are already against the law so why would those who commit such atrocities abide by a gun ban?

Well said.


Expedition Leader
"High court strikes down Chicago handgun ban"

Two points. First, nothing was struck down today. The high court instructed the lower court that the 2nd Amendment's prohibition against government interference with the right to bear arms applies to state and local governments, as well as the federal government.

This ruling is an expansion of the decision reached two years ago in the Heller vs District of Columbia. In the Heller case, the court ruled that the feds can't interfere with the right to bear arms as described in the 2nd Amendment. The new case includes state and local governments.

It's very likely that the lower court will now rule against Chicago's handgun ban. But the ban is still in effect. With lots of legal wrangling possible, the final outcome could take years.

Second, in both the Heller case and this one, the Supreme Court judges' vote was 5 to 4. A single change in vote could make the outcome very different. There are plenty of cases where the Supreme Court overturned precedents set by earlier courts.


So, Im a firearms owner, more long guns than hand guns, but agree with the bans. I live outside of DC and have for a little over a decade. I can remember when you did not want to be anywhere outside the mall past 3 or 4 in the afternoon. The handgun ban took hold, the law was enforced and the violence and homicide rate dropped precipitously. It was fantastic. Since the repeal, the official ban no longer exists but DC has tailored their law to make it such a complete hassle to buy a handgun that many wont even bother.

If you're referring to the ban of 1975, it had little effect, see below. There was certainly no precipitious drop in the murder rate.

The trouble with gun laws is that they only affect those who will obey the law in the first place- law abiding citizens. Criminals already ignore the law, and more firearm restrictions serve only to disarm those in need of self protection

Im not a strict constructionist nor do I completely agree with judicial activism but there has to be some leeway given for public safety but I know that this is impossible. The Constitution is a yes or no document. DC was terrible and the hand gun ban made a dent. Chicago IS the wild west. The homicide rate is second only to the likes of Detroit and Baltimore. Sometimes, public safety has to be looked at. I guarantee that Chicago will make it incredibly hard to buy a gun. As long as they dont say 'NO,' they can do whatever they want and I truly hope that they do. You should search through some of the news bureaus about Chicagos culture of violence. It really is shocking. The latest case of a flag being flown upside down (if you dont know what that means, google it) I can think of was in Chicago in front of a church, I believe.

On a related note, there are 900 laws that will be going into effect in Va this year and one of them is a change to the concealed law. You can now have your gun with you in certain public venues, including those that sell alcohol. Sweet decision :rolleyes:

If you make it easy for ordinary citizens to protect themselves AND take effort to eliminate poverty, there will be less crime.


these guys got their facts screwy, most would not consider a .38, 'high velocity'

In fact, it isn't a high velocity round. The highest velocity I can find in literature is 1,550 feet per second; hardly high velocity.
That said, even a 22 caliber handgun can kill, and should be treated with respect by everyone, since kids may or may not.


The trouble with gun laws is that they only affect those who will obey the law in the first place- law abiding citizens. Criminals already ignore the law, and more firearm restrictions serve only to disarm those in need of self protection.



In fact, it isn't a high velocity round. The highest velocity I can find in literature is 1,550 feet per second; hardly high velocity.
That said, even a 22 caliber handgun can kill, and should be treated with respect by everyone, since kids may or may not.

Holy crap...you guys know it's an onion article...it's fake and everything detail in it is fake.



Photographer in the Wild
The story in the Onion is just plain stupid. if anyone is to blame it is the parents here. At 8 years old I was very aware of the dangers associated with firearms. for the parents to have not taught this to the child is just another mark on parental neglect.

I personally am very happy about the ruling and look forward to many more such rulings.


2005, 2006 Tech Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
:xxrotflma ROFLMAO!!!! :xxrotflma

The Onion is, and always will be, total spoof!
I love it when people fall for it.
(I did the first time I saw it...just like SNL back in '79).



So, Im a firearms owner, more long guns than hand guns, but agree with the bans. I live outside of DC and have for a little over a decade. I can remember when you did not want to be anywhere outside the mall past 3 or 4 in the afternoon. The handgun ban took hold, the law was enforced and the violence and homicide rate dropped precipitously. It was fantastic. Since the repeal, the official ban no longer exists but DC has tailored their law to make it such a complete hassle to buy a handgun that many wont even bother.

Im not a strict constructionist nor do I completely agree with judicial activism but there has to be some leeway given for public safety but I know that this is impossible. The Constitution is a yes or no document. DC was terrible and the hand gun ban made a dent. Chicago IS the wild west. The homicide rate is second only to the likes of Detroit and Baltimore. Sometimes, public safety has to be looked at. I guarantee that Chicago will make it incredibly hard to buy a gun. As long as they dont say 'NO,' they can do whatever they want and I truly hope that they do. You should search through some of the news bureaus about Chicagos culture of violence. It really is shocking. The latest case of a flag being flown upside down (if you dont know what that means, google it) I can think of was in Chicago in front of a church, I believe.

On a related note, there are 900 laws that will be going into effect in Va this year and one of them is a change to the concealed law. You can now have your gun with you in certain public venues, including those that sell alcohol. Sweet decision :rolleyes:

The actual statistics concerning handgun violence in DC, and surrounding areas of Va and Md completely contradict your statements, ESPECIALLY since the DC ban.

And I've carried concealed in establishments selling alcohol for years without shooting anyone. Neither have most of the people I know around here.

And despite the most stringent handgun control laws in the US, Chicago continues to have very high rates of handgun violence. This past weekend 24 were shot, the weekend before 52 or 54 (not all fatalities). States with shall-issue CCW laws have amazingly low rates of handgun (or other firearm) violence.


I have a platoon of Marines stationed in Arlington, VA. I can see the national mall from my office. Last year, one of my Marines was busted for carrying a pistol on base in his car--his reasoning: "the parts of DC that I go to you have to have a weapon or you will get jacked" Subsequently, two other Marines that live in that area admitted to carrying weapons in their cars in DC. Southeast DC to be exact. This was occurring pre-Heller BTW.

Just so you know how effective the gun ban was.

For what it is worth, these particular Marines are not shining examples of our corps values. One has been discharged and two are pending courts martial for unrelated deficiencies.

As far as the new VA law--I frequent restaurants that serve alchohol very frequently. I never carry a gun if I am drinking. The new law does not change that.

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