Historical destruction or reclaimation?


Expedition Leader
Chuck, perhaps that is true on a low level. The problem with ExPo and forums like it, are they attract like-minded people. It is like having a conference or seminar series on business ethics -- the people who come and who are interested tend to have pretty impecable ethics. The people who need it are not interested.

And Al, you are right about the trash. It got me thinking about some of the more remote, out of the way, hike-to camping spots that I have been to and found beer cans and bottles, shells, broken glass, etc. And in most cases I left it all there because I did not come prepared to haul out someone else's trash. With the truck I always have a few extra bags.

It seems like we need some sort of trail ethics and ettiquite seminars. They would need to be sponsored so they are basically free. Presented by Tread Lightly, some conflict resolution people (how do you talk to people on the trail when you see them doing bad stuff), a couple environmental groups so there is buy-in from that community and they feel included.

One thing I hear over and over in the photographic community is the best environmentalists (biologists, naturalists, etc.) make the best nature photographers because they understand what they are shooting more than the average person who just sees a flower. I think it holds true for the off-road crowd too. It seems that if people really understood the history and ecology of the areas they traveled in, they would have a deeper appreciation and respect beyond "tearing up the trails with my buddies," but deep down I know that is pretty naieve.


bigreen505 said:
Chuck, perhaps that is true on a low level. The problem with ExPo and forums like it, are they attract like-minded people. It is like having a conference or seminar series on business ethics -- the people who come and who are interested tend to have pretty impecable ethics. The people who need it are not interested.

I agree to some extent, but at the same time, most of the members here are members on other forums. The trips on this forum are discussed on many other forums and the principles we are trying to impart will hopefully spread.

It seems like we need some sort of trail ethics and ettiquite seminars. They would need to be sponsored so they are basically free. Presented by Tread Lightly, some conflict resolution people (how do you talk to people on the trail when you see them doing bad stuff), a couple environmental groups so there is buy-in from that community and they feel included.

I love this idea. Trail seminars! They could be customized to user groups, trucks, ATVs, mountain bikers, hikers, you name it. Maybe Tread Lightly! does this already? I've never seen them advertised before if they do.
Ursidae69 said:
I love this idea. Trail seminars! They could be customized to user groups, trucks, ATVs, mountain bikers, hikers, you name it. Maybe Tread Lightly! does this already? I've never seen them advertised before if they do.
that's a great idea. didn't you guys (collective you) have something similar at this year's expedition trophy?

something like that, geared toward multi-use, might go a long way toward building respect between users and encouraging good stewardship of public lands. while the cynical part of me thinks any group involving an environmental preservation group and anyone with an OHV has the potential to be a marriage made in hell, it also has the potential to show each group that they are working for a common purpose and have a lot to offer and teach the other group. might need those conflict resolution people at first, to keep everyone from yelling at each other :gunt:.

does anything like this exist in a more public setting? just making the effort might begin to change people's opinions toward the opposite end of their user spectrum. it's easier to get the people who need to hear it to listen if it has public exposure, as well as buy-in from a couple different groups...ie more people will take a trail ettiquette class seriously if it's supported by a preservation group as well as an offroad/mtb/adventure/etc group.

the community here at the expo IS different. it's like a hybrid of ttora and the sierra club, or something...and I doubt there are many other communities like it, though I know other communities have members with similar interests.

I think it's very important to keep in mind that for whatever reason, some people will never, ever change their tune despite all our best efforts...some people will never understand or care why it's so rude to steal, disturb or vandalize something. for others, it will never make sense why a person would want to drive or ride somewhere when they can take a perfectly good walk. we're all talking generalizations, and it's important to remember there will always be exceptions...whether it's the Amish guy who wants to try rock crawling, a guy from the NRA who supports wildlife conservation, or somebody from either group who absolutely refuses to even try to understand the other side of an issue.


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