Ho ho ho, Santa came early (AR15 upgrades)


OverCamping Specialist
Thanks guy's for all the advice here.
I said I was a newb at the optics thing :D
I thought the Red Dot Aimpoints were the same as holographic sights.

I am not really sure if I need one, as my new addition (which I have not installed quite yet) may allow me to make mincemeat out of paper targets just as well as using a Red Dot Aimpoint unit.


I have an Eotech on one of my ARs now and it's ok, nothing to get excited about.
Optics are as personal a choice as the rifles they go on. Everyones eyes are different and what works for one guy may not for another.
I am selling my Eotech and when funds allow I am getting an TA31F ACOG because I like the red chevron reticle and 4x magnification the best.
Other than that, I prefer iron sights. :sombrero:


OverCamping Specialist
Part II

Well, Santa paid me another visit

When I left the store last weekend, my sling was not put on, and I thought the way to attach it was in the sack with all the other stuff, but not so.
What I needed was a quick disconnect (QD) made for the Magpul stock I have, you insert the QD into a hold in the stock.
I can still use the stock sling mount up front.
VLTOR Quick Detachable Sling Swivel

When I was at the shop drooling over that Surefire X400 last weekend, Monday I gave it more thought as I have wanted a laser for my AR15 for a long time, and you can transfer them to a hand gun too.

If I kept the light ring that was just put on the AR15 I would have to spend another $65 for a nice Surefire light and buy a separate laser for around $200 or more, thus having two items now on the front.

The Surefire X400 is half the size of my Surefire G2X Pro flashlight as the batteries go side by side, plus it has a laser underneath the light.
With the Surefire X400 being an all in one unit, it saves weight up front and is darn cool, and it was marked down on sale from what it shows on their website.
Surefire LED Handgun / Long Gun WeaponLight with Laser - X400

The light is 170 lumens which is blinding, just a little less than my G2x Pro light at 200 lumens.
The laser is very bright too at 5 milliwatt, in fact Surefire claims it is one of the brightest ones out there right now.

I just got done putting on the sling and X400 a few minutes ago.

Below is a picture of how the sling now mounts to the new stock.
I am not sure if I even have the sling on properly.
To be honest with you, when I have shot it before, I feel more comfortable not using one.



Here is a comparison size picture of the light I had on the AR15 for a bit compared to the new X400 light/laser combo.



I wanted to mount the new light/laser setup below the rail, but the stock sling mount up front is in the way, and it looks like it is held in with a pop rivet.
Even if I was able to remove, where would you mount a new one?

Closeup of the X400.


Flash on camera on, light on only.


Flash on camera off, light on only.


I took a picture with the light and laser both on, but it did not turn out even though I could see the red dot near the center of the lights beam with my eye.

Laser on only.


Camera flash on and laser only.


I took the X400 to work Wednesday as a coworker is wanting to get one, and he wanted to check it out.
I notice when you aim the laser on a nearby wall the dot is kind of small.
Outside at work later that day in the daylight I tested it out by aiming it at the side of an adjacent building about 150' or so from me, and the red dot was no longer a small dot as it appeared to me to be about the size of a softball or bigger.
Weird huh?
I thought it was going to be hard to see it from so far away in the direct light, but I was wrong.
The dot was HUGE, and very easy to see.

This has me thinking if I set out some targets up where I go shooting and stand back at a good distance, I will be able to line the laser up on the target, and maybe get a good shot in.
Will have to experiment with the setup next spring/summer after the snow melts.
Right now where I go shooting there is several feet of snow, it is pretty high up.

If I pick up the S&W before to long, I will try out the X400 on it at the indoor range which is not to far from me.
That is if they allow you to use one in there.
I am very impressed with the X400 though for its light and laser output.

They have three nice YouTube videos on this Surefire X400.
The second and third video are linked from within the first video.

SureFire X400 live fire video (part 1 of 3)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSZ1dIlBreE&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - SureFire X400 live fire video (part 1 of 3)[/ame]


Expedition Leader
Your light is generally better protected on the side but mounting it underneath is easy enough. The front sling swivel is help on by the rivet as you noticed- a small gauge punch will knock it out as will using a file/Dremel/hacksaw to take the head off and knock it out the other way. Be careful that you don't knock the ears off when you start working on it (unless you just want to grind them off). It's easily replaced if you change your mind down the road but I can't imagine you would.

Several companies make sling mounts that go on the rail or the front sight.

I'm assuming you're left handed judging by you're sling being on the right side? If not put it on the left side and it will lay flatter against your body.

As for the optics, you can get a step down mount that puts them in front of your carry handle yet off the rail. Mounting a scope on the rail generally necessitates a cheek riser on the stock. Weaver makes a couple of scopes with a red dot and magnification also.


OverCamping Specialist
Thanks Robert.
I am left handed, but I shoot right handed since the ejector port is on the right side.

My friend I bought this from a few years back is into slings big time, and the first time we went out shooting I found it more comfortable not even using it since these rifles are so light weight.
But I do want to have it setup the proper way and get use to doing it right.

It looks like I would have room for a lower rail mount to mount a sling between the Grip Pod and the Surefire.
Would that be the best way, or hand it off the front sight?

I may go down to the shop today with it too to see what they have.
Only thing is everytime I walk in there I spend a wad of cash.
I have been meaning to pick up a few polymer mags though.


OverCamping Specialist
Part III

You knew there was going to be one right :D
I swear, that jolly St. Nick will not leave me alone, I must have been very good this year.

I mentioned earlier I do not have much experience with slings, and I found the stock one somewhat cumbersome.
I just got back from the shop as I wanted the front stock sling mount removed (they punched out the pin setup), and a rail setup with a QD on it for the sling.
They mounted a rail mount one that comes with a QD of its own, but I am not using the QD.
I also wanted the stock sling mount moved so I could put the Surefire X400 light/laser underneath the rifle instead of off to the side like I had it yesterday.
Daniel Defense Rail Mount QD Swivel Attachment



I was going to go with the stock sling when the guy who has been working with me the last two weekends showed me a very cool sling that has its own QDs built into it.
SKT Industries Adjustable QD Sling - 2 Point
I am now a fan of this setup.
Not only is it easily removable from the rifle via the QDs, but it is a sling I will use everytime from now on.
You put the sling over your shoulder and your arm through it and pull a black strap to lower the rifles tip down towards your feet and snug the rifle up against you.

When you want to loosen the sling to allow you to bring up the rifle, you pull a green strap.
Very simple set and well thought out.


I also wanted some new mags, so I picked up a few of the Magpul 30 round PMag ones.
Magpul 30 Round PMag
These are not suppose to jam like some other ones out there.
My other ones are some old Colt mags that I bought online a few years back.

While I was there he showed me his custom 308 setup that is a piston setup instead of the normal gas setup like mine.
He had an AAC flash suppressor on the end of it that also allows an AAC silencer/suppressor to mount over it.

I found out if is legal to own and mount a silencer in the state of WA., but you can not shoot with it.
I would have to go to Oregon or Idaho to do that.
You also have to apply for the tax stamp which is around $200 to have to say you have the right to own one.
This is probably something I will not do, as right now I feel I would not get my monies worth out of it since I have not traveled to either of those two states in quite awhile.
But it was informative to know that you can legally buy and own one in my state.

Will there be a part four?
Probably down the road some, as I looked at an Aimpoint and an Eotech optic today.
I looked at both battery ones, and the kind that use radioactive materiel in them to power the dot you see inside.
I will have to look more into that later.
Also with my fixed carry handle on top, that would make an optic sit up rather high.
One will mount to my rail/hand guard system, but he mentioned it could get some vibration there.
Has anyone mounted theirs there on an actual hand guard, or is that asking for problems?


Expedition Leader
Cool sling.

re the optics on the handguard, most two piece non-free floating handguards that I've seen have at least some movement in them. If you want to mount optics on the handguard I'd switch to a free float style. Personally I like the new Spike's Tactical (light, well finished including smooth edges, inexpensive, etc). Mounting them is going to require taking off your flash suppressor and front sight but that's easy too (three pins and a mallet- two pins in the sight base and one through the gas tube). I believe Daniel Defense makes a free float series that you don't have to remove the sight for; just cut the delta ring and it clamps on to the barrel nut.

You might try moving the light to the side again then moving that grip forward- a lot of people find it preferable to being up close to the mag well as it doesn't allow as much motion of the gun. I prefer Magpul or Tangodown pistol grips over the stock A2 style; they fit my hand better.

I'll be honest though- with an A2 style upper (carrying handle) and what looks to be a lightweight barrel I'd just add a sling, a light and a different pistol grip and call it good. You can only take the design so far before you might as well switch to a flat top and they start getting heavy. That said, it's easy to swap uppers if you wanted to have several different styles or calibers. Have a handy carbine for fun, a long range gun for target shooting, a 6.5, 6.8 or other for hunting, a .22 conversion for plinking, etc. If you're willing to build it yourself lowers can be had for under $100 then just buy a parts kit and a stock. You see where this is going........

Obviously you can spend a ton of money on these toys- I heard one fellow describe them as "Barbie for men" and thought that was a pretty good description.

Check out ar15.com for all the info, and then some, that you could ever want on the ar15 platform. The technical forums are still good although the general discussion gets childish at times. I'm curious about the shooting with a suppressor thing though- are you sure they meant you can't shoot it or you can't hunt with it? Some states don't allow hunting with them for some reason but transferring an NFA item over state lines requires that you notify the BATF. AR15.com has a section on class III toys under the "Armory" tab and there is a Washington home town forum where you should be able to get specific answers relative to your state too.


OverCamping Specialist
Thanks Robert, I believe I signed up over at ar15 a few years back.

Seems that sight is down too.
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Yeah, having the fixed carry handle is the only drawback I see right now with a good optics setup.
I might save that for that S&W M&P 15 22 I am going to pick up later.

Good thing about this new sling I got is you can move it to all of your rifles in a few seconds as long as they are setup with a QD rail.

When you say move the Grip Pod forward, you think all the way to where the light is sitting now?
I will have to experiment with it.

I do know I like having the new stock collapsed all the way so I can snug up to it more.

On the suppressor thing, what he told me is I can own one and mount it on the gun, but it is strictly forbidden to discharge the gun in any part of my state with it.
I will have to read up on the sub forum over there.
But I doubt I would get one, the price would be equal to about two of those S&Ws I want.

He also mentioned with the tip he has (wants to sell me ones as well) that when you rapid fire the rifle you do not get as much kick around with his type of tip as I do the stock flash suppressor I have.

I sure wish we had some good weather right now, I could use some shooting time with this new setup.

The local indoor firing range which is on the same road as the shop I have been dealing with, but about six or so miles further, said the only way I could shoot my AR there now would be to use 223 frangible bullets I get from them or elsewhere.
I just Googled it, and they seem to pretty expensive.

He told me they do not allow regular 223 or 5.56 there as it would do to much damage.

It might be worth checking out what that range charges though so I can use it down there, as I am pretty excited with this new setup, plus they sell that S&W 22 I want, maybe I can demo one there.

And yes, this is as addictive as modding our vehicles and getting new camping gear :D

PS, I called the local indoor range, and he said come on down :D
$39.95 for a box of 50 frang rounds.
Expensive, yes, I could burn through that in a very short time.
I would sure feel better though afterwards since the Colt is begging to try out its new makeover.
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M4Carbine.net is a good place to find info on the AR platform as well. Lots of industry professionals there (manufacturers, active/former mlitary/contractors, etc) so you get a lot of no-BS reviews on what works and what doesn't on a combat rifle.

For me, I like to tinker with ARs, but AKs are my 'working' guns.

ETA - I've gone down the NFA/Title II/Class 3 road before, so I may be able to give some insight if requested.
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Expedition Leader
That's weird about the Spike's website- it was working when I posted it but it sure isn't now. They just reworked it so maybe they're having problems with it.

Experiment with your vertical grip- some like them all the way out, some like them up close to the mag well. I tend to run mine about halfway if I run one but I've been experimenting with one of the new Magpul AFG grips. I've got it out near the end of the handguards and so far I like it. I'm using a light setup similar to your first one but mounted on the side where I can hit it with my thumb; my plan is to switch to a Streamlight TLR1 with a wired switch but I haven't gotten around to it.

Your friend is probably running a muzzle brake on the end of his barrel instead of just a flash suppressor. Personally I don't like them as they tend to increase noise to the shooter. I had one of the Bushamster's with the AK style brake for a while and even with earplugs and muffs it was painful to shoot under a covered range for more than a magazine or so. I removed it and pinned a Phantom on it to make it a legal 16" (I prefer the Vortex over the Phantom though). I've tried a couple of other style brakes and I just don't find the 223 to have enough recoil to put up with the extra racket- JMHO.

Spike's also makes a drop in .22 conversion as do a couple of others (they're all basically the same design). While dirtier than .223 it allows you to use the same gun for practice. The .22 conversion kits tend to shoot a hair lower than the 223. Can't go wrong with one of the S&W's though- everyone I know with one likes it.

The big thing is to shoot it- have fun trying out different parts until you get the set up you want. You mentioned shooting with the stock collapsed- make sure you have on safety glasses as the direct impingement system can blow crud back in your face around the charging handle. You can also buy a gasbuster charging handle which will help eliminate that (expensive though).


OverCamping Specialist
M4Carbine.net is a good place to find info on the AR platform as well.
Thanks, have that one bookmarked as well.
That's weird about the Spike's website- it was working when I posted it but it sure isn't now. They just reworked it so maybe they're having problems with it.

Experiment with your vertical grip- some like them all the way out, some like them up close to the mag well. I tend to run mine about halfway if I run one but I've been experimenting with one of the new Magpul AFG grips. I've got it out near the end of the handguards and so far I like it. I'm using a light setup similar to your first one but mounted on the side where I can hit it with my thumb; my plan is to switch to a Streamlight TLR1 with a wired switch but I haven't gotten around to it.

The big thing is to shoot it- have fun trying out different parts until you get the set up you want. You mentioned shooting with the stock collapsed- make sure you have on safety glasses as the direct impingement system can blow crud back in your face around the charging handle. You can also buy a gasbuster charging handle which will help eliminate that (expensive though).
Hopefully it will be up later.

I will experiment with the front grip this week.

Thanks for the advice about the blowback.
I do not have any safety glasses as of yet.
Do they have them that fit over prescription glasses?
Mine are the plastic Transitions.

I checked out that handle, around $90, but the reviews say it is worth it.
Might be going on my list.

PS, it is up.


Expedition Leader
I just wear my regular glasses but they're polycarbonate impact resistant. You can get safety glasses that fit over prescription glasses or just get prescription shooting glasses. You're eyes aren't replaceable and if something lets loose you want to be prepared; while unlikely it does happens occasionally just as with anything mechanical.

That gasbuster charging handle sounds very expensive; there are other option out there. I just use the factory handle and don't get my face too close. So far no issues although suppressors tend to run the gun dirtier.

I still think you're best bet is to run it for a while and get a feel for it to see what you like. I'm partial to light weight and simple (and I'm cheap).


OverCamping Specialist
I just wear my regular glasses but they're polycarbonate impact resistant. You can get safety glasses that fit over prescription glasses or just get prescription shooting glasses. You're eyes aren't replaceable and if something lets loose you want to be prepared; while unlikely it does happens occasionally just as with anything mechanical.
I am going to call up my eye doctor and see if mine are impact resistant or not.

I have two weeks off for Christmas coming up soon, so I will get down to the range and try this new setup out amongst some other guns they carry there.

PS, I bet my prescription Oakleys I picked up last spring are impact resistant, but they would only be good for shooing outdoors on a sunny day.
Something about pictures of guns taken next to computer keyboards makes me chuckle.
Better than taking it outside and sticking it on my hood like in some pics I have seen.
Neighbors might think I am getting ready for a postal run.
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