Installing the Solar Controller and Powerlet Connection.
I'm getting ready to install the solar panels on the roof and it's time to get the Solar charge controller installed. I'm going with a BlueSky Solar Boost 3000i MPPT Controller, I've used this controller in my Syncro and it worked great so decided to stick with what works
The factory provides a cut out for their controller right above the heater.
Removing the cover on the controller cutout.
The factory pre-wired the camper for a Solar Controller so install will be simple. The wiring is tucked up above the heater unit.
The 3000i charge controller
The factory cut out is a little small for this controller so some cutting is in order.
Covered the heater unit with a garbage bag to keep the saw dust out of the important bits.
Front cut out and here I've marked a notch that needs to be cut for the rear of the unit.
Test fitting the controller.
Battery wiring is tucked against the far wall behind the batteries.
All the wires were marked from the factory making it easy to identify, I went ahead and verified everything with a meter before wiring everything up just to make sure.
I used Marine grade heat shrink crimps on all connection. I didn't get any pics but there is a fuse holder wired into the battery area.
Connecting the controller. I'll be fabricating a cover for the rear of the controller soon.
Time to install the power connection for the ARB Fridge. I absolutely hate US cigarette lighter connections, they always get loose and your constantly pushing the plug back in. I cut the factory cigarette lighter plug off the fridge harness and wired in a Powerlet connector instead, I'll keep the cut off end and make an adapter so I can also connect to a Cig lighter if needed. Powerlet connectors are great, they snap in place and won't get loose as you travel down the road.
Here is the fridge harness with the new Powerlet end installed.
Powerlet socket that will be installed in the camper. The depth of the socket isn't deep enough to pass through the wood on the camper so an adapter will need to be fabricated.
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