Hood vent project!


I like the idea of the hood vent for sure, and you executed it very nicely! Definitely like the look, especially after reading up the benefits, but I am mostly interested in a way to get cool outside air into the intake since mine just sucks air from the engine bay currently.

Anyone thought of a hood scoop/vent over the air intake? Like make a type of box in the engine bay that directly connects to a vent in the hood when it's closed.


Expedition Leader
The Montero's have a scoop that comes from the outside...

besides, mine has a snorkel so any cooling benefit would be marginal at best.


See my edit above... LOL, you were probably typing your reply as I was re-editing mine.

and to be sure we're clear, I'm by no means criticizing your mod. Just want to be sure if you feel it's running warm, then you should consider addressing the source of the problem as well.

Oh no, it doesn't run warm at all. Cooling system is perfect. This was just to allow for a bit more ceiling in taxing conditions, and for gits and shiggles. Summer is just around the corner...so that will sometimes mean sitting in traffic at 105 degrees with the A/C on. A 5 degree drop in ANY temperature in high thermal load situations is worth it to me!

The cooler an engine runs, in general, the better...same goes for intake charge and especially transmission. So I've got a few el cheapo mods up my sleeve to that end. This was just the first. ;) But I can't do the aux coolers until I get a new front bumper, and I can't seem to find one cheap enough for me to bite. I'll check a couple junkyards on Friday again.


I like the idea of the hood vent for sure, and you executed it very nicely! Definitely like the look, especially after reading up the benefits, but I am mostly interested in a way to get cool outside air into the intake since mine just sucks air from the engine bay currently.

Anyone thought of a hood scoop/vent over the air intake? Like make a type of box in the engine bay that directly connects to a vent in the hood when it's closed.

Unless it's on the leading edge, it won't do a whole lot...the hood is a low pressure area when you're driving. But, it would still feed some fresh air to it.

When you're rolling, your intake air charge will drop. But when speed is low, and/or everything heat soaks, that's when those intake mods help. Anything to help the throughput of air across the intake area.

The other theory with venting/propping the hood is that the engine bay acts as a big "wind sock," sucking in air at the grill and trapping it. Opening the top/rear hood areas gives hot air the chance to flow through when you're rolling and decreases the "wind sock" effect.


Def does. Do you think there could be problems when it rains...

Nope. Thought about it before I did it. Here's what I surmised.

First off, I'm in SoCal. When it "rains" here, it's 10 minutes of drizzle preceded by 3 days on the news warning us about some "huge storm." People who live where there's actual WEATHER must make fun of us. lol.

Second, if water dripping on to the plastic cover on top of the engine was such a bad thing, I would never wash the engine bay or go through water crossings either. Everything that needs to be water-tight, is. Indirect dripping shouldn't be an issue. Many have done it before me!

Third, I've got other cars with open-element filters and short, straight intakes...one of which had the filter in the fenderwell right next to the front tire. I drove it for 3 years like that, through rain and puddles, and never had a single issue. I think when people have problems intake-wise is when they live in VERY wet climates, or they drive like nincompoops. This thing still has the stock airbox which is nowhere near the vent.

Worst case scenario...I might get some belt squeal if it gets wet enough. Best case scenario, it will just help the engine cooling that much more.


Oh, and for that matter...making a cover for it during the 1-2 days a year we get any measurable rainfall would be easy! I could just wing nut a couple bolts through the slats and do a cover on the top for temporary use.


New member
I agree that underhood temps need to be adressed, but why not grab a vent from the junkyard? In the xj world I have seen various 280z hood vents, LeBaron/k-car vents, even Subaru vents turned around backwards to create vacuum in the engine bay. That Home Depot vent will also work, but I think ( In my personal, respectful opinion ) that it could be prettier. I would have tried to rivet it to the underside of the hood. still, that right there is ingenious, and the very epitome of "function over form". Two thumbs up


I agree that underhood temps need to be adressed, but why not grab a vent from the junkyard? In the xj world I have seen various 280z hood vents, LeBaron/k-car vents, even Subaru vents turned around backwards to create vacuum in the engine bay. That Home Depot vent will also work, but I think ( In my personal, respectful opinion ) that it could be prettier. I would have tried to rivet it to the underside of the hood. still, that right there is ingenious, and the very epitome of "function over form". Two thumbs up

I went to all 4 local yards last weekend and didn't find anything (it was half price weekend). I bought this truck totaled with frame damage, so for me, it's easier to say "oh, what the heck..." than if this were a nice, pretty truck. :) I also like the way it reminds me of a HMMWV. lol. :)


Thank you!


Nwoods and I recently ran a trail that had a lot of fairly steep climbing, so I got a chance to test out the vent mod.

Part way up, hit A/T temp gauge lit up, so we shut down for a few minutes to let his truck cool down. My light hadn't come on. Then for fun, I held my hand in front of the grill of his '98 SR...the radiant heat was very strong. I walked over to my truck, and did the same test...and it wasn't nearly as hot. There just wasn't as much heat collecting in the engine bay.

We are both in stock-engine Monteros, his was on 31's and mine on 33's...on the same trail, at the same time. Trans fluid was at about the same level and cleanliness on both trucks, and they have the same radiators, fans, oil and trans coolers. So all I can think is that the hood vent and prop kept everything, including the trans, measurably cooler.

Win! :)

Adventure Copan

Creative mod. :) Just curious, is it just a Montero issue with overheating? Never heard of this being an issue without a turbo.

-Daniel Kent


pretty common in alot of the "tuning" world to lean the hood up on spacers like that to reduce temps. I can think of several hondas, miatas, and 240sx nissans that friends have driven over the years with the hood spacers.

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