Hope nobody wants to run the Rubicon anymore...


Expedition Leader
Or "One more reason I hate California".... Not sure if anyone here is tracking this or even cares... I've always set a run on the Rubicon as a highpoint on my bucket list... but I feel like if I can't do it really, REALLY soon.. it will never be legally possible. :(


The U.S. Forest Service has agreed to increase protections for water quality in a deal that will allow improvements to the Rubicon Trail to move forward, according to a statement from conservation groups this week...Changes to the decision negotiated by the appellants will require the county to close the trail when weather conditions are likely to result in runoff of sediment and petroleum products...

http://www.sacbee.com/2012/08/15/4726562/el-dorado-county-takes-over-rubicon.html#mi_rss=Our Region

El Dorado County takes over Rubicon Trail easement
Published Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012

...On Tuesday, the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors voted to accept both control and responsibility for a U.S. Forest Service easement covering the stretch inside the county – one of the most popular and challenging available for off-highway vehicle use. Along with that came negotiated conditions of easement transfer: In wet winter months, as long as rain or snow melt aren't likely to rinse contaminants from vehicles or to generate sediment from tires, the trail will stay open. If the contaminants and sediment are expected to enter the watershed, the trail will close until conditions improve...
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New member
Unfortunate. We've been away from California for 7 years ... we ran the rubicon last about 10 years ago and I was hoping to be able to take my 4 year old in about 5 years. Hope things get back to normal at some point!


New member
Similar thing is happening here in the Southeast in Nantahala National Forest. Over here it's about closing Tellico to protect Trout habitat. As a card-carrying member of TU and a longtime member of Jeep Forum and lurker here on Exp Portal, I appreciate both sides of the argument at Tellico. Hate to see one recreational activity pitted against another. Hate to see fewer and fewer places for ORVs and shrinking habitat for wildlife.

I may have never made it out to the Rubicon, but it was always nice to dream about it.

From Trout Unlimited:
Right Call for Brookies on the Tellico
Posted on September 21, 2012 by Chris Hunt

Earlier this week, a federal judge upheld a U.S. Forest Service decision to keep off-road vehicles out of sensitive native brook trout habitat in the Tellico River drainage in the Nantahala National Forest–excessive ORV use was contributing silt and sediment to the watershed, impacting brook trout spawning habitat.

“Locking out” certain users of public lands is always a touchy subject, and it’s not surprising that ORV user-groups sued the Forest Service over its decision. But, in this case, where native brookies were clearly at risk in the prized river’s upper reaches in North Carolina and Tennessee, the decision was justified. The area receives more than 80 inches of rain each year, and with runoff flowing over bare earth, the mud and sediment entering the river were impacting insect populations and smothering spawning gravel...

Whole story is here: http://troutunlimitedblog.com/right-call-for-brookies-on-the-tellico


SE Expedition Society
It makes me sleep so good at night knowing that the Federal gov't is watching out for my best interest........


Expedition Leader
Its the second step in fixing things!
First is for us as citizens to take responsibility of our own lives and not think we are entitled to a free ride.


Anyone who has been on the trail realizes, whether they want to or not, that there is a problem that needs to be fixed. There are a lot of people who are reckless, and misuse the trail. Anyone who uses the trail, should do their part to help maintain it. Otherwise it will be lost. You cannot rely on the maybe 5% of users to clean up your mess. Its unfortunate, but with a world class trail like this, if something doesn't change, it will get closed. As of now, I read that it isn't closed. I wouldn't go writing it off as a lost cause. Go do your part, and get it cleaned up, all the while making a statement to the echo nazis that we do care about the land that we use.
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SE Expedition Society
Anyone who has been on the trail realizes, whether they want to or not, that there is a problem that needs to be fixed. There are a lot of people who are reckless, and misuse the trail. Anyone who uses the trail, should do their part to help maintain it. Otherwise it will be lost. You cannot rely on the maybe 5% of users to clean up your mess. Its unfortunate, but with a world class trail like this, if something doesn't change, it will get closed. As of now, I read that it is closed. I wouldn't go writing it off as a lost cause. Go do your part, and get it cleaned up, all the while making a statement to the echo nazis that we do care about the land that we use.

Lots of Honey Bo Bo's on trails all across this country. I am thinking we are grossly out numbered.


Expedition Leader
The way I read the decision, the trail stays open under certain conditions, and is closed under others. That sounds better than closing the trail altogether due to water quality concerns.


Expedition Leader
As someone who loves to hit trails in the Jeep, go fishing, hunting, and generally spend time outdoors I am always torn on the topic of SOME trail closures or stricter regulations on their use. Because it is such a minority that actually clean up after themselves and are responsible trail users, it is sometimes best to set limitations or even close a trail to protect an area from complete devastation. Does this hurt people like me who always come home with an extra bag full of trash that others left behind, of course it does. But I would rather hike in and find an area thriving with trout and elk, than drive in to find trash and a disrupted habitat. It will always be the irresponsible majority who hurt the responsible minority, this is how life is in general, we just need to find the balance that works.


ACTUALLY; Sustainable Development.

More likely than not a treaty relating to sustainable development has been entered into by the "Dulocracy" form of Government in this once great nation that eventually will corral all into cities with the rural areas reserved for the ruling elite.

There is always someone or some group to blame for the closings because the truth will piss off most, the ends justifies the means for those who close off access to all but themselves and their cohorts.

Current news out of China the government rolled over a private citizen with a construction roller killing him as he stood blocking it in protest to the destruction of rural homes/villages/towns and forced relocation into cities.

"Dulocracy"; a government where servants and slaves give themselves so much license they domineer over those they are supposed to serve. REF; Black's Law and other law dictionaries.


Also in Switzerland are most of the good tracks for overlanding (we dont talk about serious offroad) - closed, and only available to hikers and mountainbikers anymore. You still find some tracks, but you have to ignore the "prohibited" sign from time to time - or to pay the bill, if you meet the police.

Be happy that it is generally possible to do it in the US, and they only want to preserve the nature in a given timeframe :Wow1:

We have to leave the center of europe in direction west or east - to be able to do overlanding that way - and we have to drive each years a bit further - because of new regulations. And also Island get more and more restrictive.

The areas without regulations have to handle more and more overlander - traffic - and they not all care the envrionment like they should - this cause more regulations soon...

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