Dear Sir,
Following notification that there was a question about the placement of picnic tables in campgrounds, the National Park Service has appointed me to decide exactly where to place picnic tables and then to bolt them solidly to a concrete pad. I'm told you're an expert on this topic. Can you please tell me the most logical place to put the tables? What's stumping me is whether I should place the table where it might be convenient for RVs (of varying sizes), tents, hammockers, bike campers, etc. Kindly advise me on the exact placement, including distance from the fireplace, surrounding trees, the access road, and so on. Also, should the table be placed in the sun for warmth in fall through spring, or in the shade for summer? Please bear in mind that some sites are plowed in the winter, so the tables would need to be out of the path of the plow. Thank you very much for sharing your expertise on this matter.
Maybe this will help you in your new assignment-
Picnic Facilities
Definition [F106.5]
A picnic facility is a site, or a portion of a site, that is developed for outdoor recreational purposes and contains picnic units.
A picnic unit is an outdoor space in a picnic facility that is used for picnicking and contains at least one outdoor constructed feature.
Picnic Units With Mobility Features [F245.2.1 and F245.2.2]
When only one or two picnic units are provided in a picnic facility, each picnic unit must provide mobility features. When more than two picnic units are provided in a picnic facility, at least 20 percent, but no less than two, of the picnic units must provide mobility features.
Picnic units with mobility features don’t have to be identified by signs. Entities should provide information on the location of picnic units with mobility features on Web sites, in brochures, and at bulletin boards or information kiosks at the picnic facility.
Alterations and Additions [F245.2.3]
When altering or adding picnic units to an existing picnic facility, the scoping requirements apply only to the picnic units that are altered or added until the required minimum number of picnic units with mobility features is provided at the picnic facility.
A picnic facility has 10 picnic units. None of the picnic units provide mobility features. Ten picnic units are being added to the facility, for a total of 20 units. In order for the facility to comply with the minimum requirement of 20 percent of picnic units providing mobility features, a minimum of two new units, not four, must be constructed to include mobility features. When any of the existing picnic units are altered in the future, at least two of the existing units must include mobility features. The requirements only apply to the picnic units that are altered or added until the required minimum number of picnic units with mobility features is provided at the picnic facility. |
When an entity is implementing a transition plan for program accessibility developed pursuant to regulations issued under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, which designates specific picnic units to provide mobility features, the entity is not required to provide accessible elements when altering individual elements within picnic units that are not designated to provide mobility features. When all the elements within a picnic unit are altered, the altered picnic unit must provide mobility features until the required minimum number of picnic units with mobility features is provided at the picnic facility.
Dispersion [F245.2.4]
Picnic units with mobility features must provide choices of picnic units comparable to, and integrated with, those available to others.
Elements Within Picnic Units With Mobility Features [F245.2.5]
At least one of each type of element provided within picnic units with mobility features, including outdoor constructed features and parking spaces, must comply with the applicable technical requirements for that element. When more than one of the same type of element (e.g., picnic tables, grills) is provided within a picnic unit with mobility features, at least two of the same type of element must comply with the applicable technical requirements for that element.
Outdoor Constructed Features in Common Use and Public Use Areas [F245.4]
Where outdoor constructed features are provided in common use and public use areas that serve picnic units with mobility features, at least 20 percent, but no less than one, of each type of outdoor constructed feature provided at each location must comply with the applicable technical requirements for the feature.
Outdoor Recreation Access Routes in Picnic Facilities
The scoping and technical requirements for ORARs in picnic facilities are discussed in the section of this guide on ORARs.
or check with any NPS engineering department for the park your asking about and they will have the design plans and measurements of where the access tables go.
To be honest and due to some of the posts here, it appears that some find this topic funny, which is bs. You have a portion of Americans with disabilities that have the right to these parks and amenities just like those that posted here, not to mention the courage to just get outside. Yet, are limited in their physical ability so they need these preplaced amenities to enjoy what your enjoying. Busting locks, cutting chains, moving tables to enjoy your experience impacts their experience.
Kinda like the guy/gal that pulls his/her car into the marked disabled parking spot in front of Starbucks to run inside for their mocha Chaco latte because they justify/rationalize that their time is so more valuable then the disabled persons time yet, the double amputee has to park his access van in the lot and navigate a tight parking spot and parking, it was always great writing Mr.Mrs. Latte that $250 parking ticket.
Think about it. Safe travels.