How to pee in the outdoors (for girls) rated PG.


A new "philly"? What is she, a cheese steak? Sure hope you mean a "filly"! :D
My wife has been "going in the woods" for over 30 years now, and she's quite comfortable with the extra effort that women have to go through. She's done the "squat" like in the video. If the truck is anywhere in the vicinity, she uses the running boards. She says they're almost as comfortable as a regular toilet (and, we ALWAYS carry "nature paper"!). She also has a silicone "appliance" for the more difficult situations (she just drops it in a ZipLock baggie when she's done and rinses it when she gets the chance). We have a backwoods port-a-potty, but she'd actually rather not use it! (that's my girl!:))

Nature wife calls it mountain money.


Some sort of lost...
I lead a lot of group trips, and maintain a simple trail etiquette of Port and Starboard rules. Women wonder off to the right (Starboard), men to the left (Port). This is because more often than not, women are seated on the right anyway. So a woman with a rock, ledge, or bushes between her and the line of rigs generally has 360 privacy, because where we go (pun intended), there's no one out yonder to see you.

Sorry it was just a bad joke on her saying "365" degrees. Women... ;)


Expedition Leader
I love it! My daughter will appreciate it too!

She is 6 and managed to crank out two spectacular lines at separate occasions during our inaugural use of the RTT over Christmas break 2014.

1st... Upon seeing the vault toilets at a Forest Service Campground... "DADDY! LOOK! Toilets you don't have to flush! Mommy can't get mad at me!"

2nd... Late that night after NOT wanting to go to the vault toilet in the dark... "DADDY! I finally peed without peeing on my feet! ... oh... never mind..."

I'm sure she will benefit from the video...
Be sure to come back in 9 or 10 years and show her this post.:sombrero:


Expedition Leader
I tell groups I'm leading privacy must be taken and also given. Find a hidden spot if possible, if not don't be a jerk and give someone privacy by looking the other way. When this is done (for example within a group of rafts) it works out great.

I also have a fond memory of my fiancee needing to pee above the treeline while we were hiking a busy 14er. No where to hide up there, I just walked slightly down the trail and told people there was a bathroom session ahead worked great haha.


Same here. I watched it probably 30 times while editing it, and I never caught the 365*. On the first take she said 360*, but for some reason I tossed in the 2nd take. oops. :)


Some sort of lost...
Haha my wife hates me for calling her out on things like that. ;)

I, on the other hand, never make mistakes. . . ahem

Thanks for the video though. I have a little time before I have to teach my daughter to do this, but it beats holding her in the air over a ditch like I've seen my friends do with their daughters before! As long as everyone isn't covered in pee I'll consider it successful anyway.


a great video. My girls are adults now, but when young, we had a few mishaps. Learned to bring extra clothes for the girls. Also a porta-jon. Solved the problem straightaway. I had one rule, if you pooped in the porta-jon, you got to help me empty it.


Female soldiers serving over-yonder in the Big Sand Pit had a serious issue as it involved hundreds of civilian and military onlookers in a totally open desert. I learned they used their issue ponchos that once totally employed, concealed them while performing the sit and squat maneuver.

I am most sure it still remains a viable option, as it makes me think how women once dressed historically, the old West. Large long skirts.


Thanks for this. My 4 1/2 year old daughter kept peeing on her shoes and asking me to hold her while she squatted. After watching the video with her, she's now able to do this on her own, with clean shoes at the end of the day. Well, muddy shoes, but at least they aren't peed on anymore. :sombrero:



Expedition Leader
That's a well done straightforward video. Very useful.
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