A finally found one, high miles, but they do exist, that is if its real, cannot tell if AWD is on back doors, would have to check vin # or touch and feel it!!!
Let me be a bit clearer when I said they were hard to find.....
They are hard to find in my province.
Any véhicule coming from the USA or another province in Canada has to pass a full mechanical inspection. (yes that's good, but can be really bad as well)
If the vehicle comes for the USA it may also require modifications to make it "legal" according to Canadian standards.
The van that you so graciously found is $7000 USD which is what it would probably sell for here in Canada.
That $7K USD is $9660 in Canadian dollars at the present time, it's still not in my driveway (transport), inspected and ready to roll.
So as you can see when I said there are none to be found, I ment within my province.
I can google all day long and see trucks that can fit the bill, however there a cost involved in an out of country/province purchase.
I'm patient and will eventually find something that fits my budget and region needs.....