I just fell in love with my Landcruiser again..


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Took the INTI rack off for rehab.. and stumbled upon this elegant piece of overland equipment..


- It handles so much better.
- It gets better mpg.
- I can get out of my own way and do 70mph if i want too.
- Wilson1000 was already setup for roof mount so that screwed right back in
- I dont need the gas can storage, we have a aux tank under the rig
- I dont need the storage, we have the trailer.
- Its quiet and nothing rattles anymore so i can run the sun roof

- I need to find a place for my c02 tank
- I need to find a place for my sand ladders (i can move them to under the RTT on the trailer)
- I need to find a place for the pullpal i've never had to use.
- I need to reconnect the limb risers i've used three times.
- Won't have an awning.. but have one on the trailer.

Here's two more pics... dang sexified if you ask me... simple and straight to the point.. no frills.



So the roof rack will stay off for a bit until i make my decision. I'll probably just raise it up into the ceiling here at work and leave it for now.

I dont know... im pretty dang happy with the way it is.


looks good. i built my rack used it for a few months and decided to take it off untill i really need it. i figured it would make me pack lighter which i should have been doing all along.


I'll even offer to store the INTI rack for you, between me and brent, your storage problems are solved...after all what are friends for?

That does look good though (though INTI racks are pretty sexy)


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
You guys are funny.

The rack and its accessories are NOT for sale, rent or storage lol. The rack came off because im going to rehab it, blast it and powder coat it. It's also getting Lightforce lights too.

I just took it off today for my fabricator.. and i thought the 80 looked bitchen. Fun to drive again too.


Well-known member
As easy as most racks do come on and off its quite the phenomenon that we end up leaving them on. I built the mounts on my Tacoma roof rack specifically so it could be removed even with the awning attached in under 5 minutes... yet it stays on most of the time. I don't drive it too much unless heading out to the hills so that is my justification :D

Sure does look sleek naked topped!


Expedition Leader
I've always prefered my thule bars, Dave. As much as I talk about needing more of rack, I never seem to REALLY need anything else. Mounts my awning just fine.



Can you get me a pic of how you got those Light Force lights mounted on the ARB bar? I have been trying to figure out what sort of tabs I need to weld on to mount mine.


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Can you get me a pic of how you got those Light Force lights mounted on the ARB bar? I have been trying to figure out what sort of tabs I need to weld on to mount mine.

Nothing tricky, they use the stock ARB Bullbar tabs. If you want a sleeker look you could weld on extensions to those tabs towards the grill and the 240's will sit about 1" further back. However, mine are just on the stock tabs your ARB comes with.


Heretic Car Camper
I like it better this way!
Maybe set up the awning on QD's of some sort, and then come up with a way to just put it on the gutter? I've contemplated doing exactly that with mine.


Seeing your truck without the rack and the Lightforce lights makes me miss mine... ughhhhh

Back on track. I personally like the look of 80's with a naked roof better, and yours shows that perfectly. Kinda stealthy, kinda sleek, like you don't know what's hiding inside...


One of the finest examples of an expedition vehicle, and one of my favorites. Personally I would leave the rack off until needed for an extended trip.
Why not just cut a hole in the roof and bring in a Innovations Pop Up. PLEASSE

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