I need ideas on how to mount shovel/axe to body panels


do a search for pioneer tool rack. these were used on M37 military trucks. the rack can be bolted to any flat surface.


Expedition Leader
I'm actually thinking about making a "Plate" like the one shown on the hummer hood,but not as big.It will probably be about the size of the tool in trying to mount.

So if i have a 4ft tall shovel ill make a plate that is about 6 inches wide and 4ft long.That way i can weld the shovel mounts to the plate and then bolt the plate to the vehicle with sandwich plates on the back side of the fender or hood.

I really need to be able to lock this stuff up since i live in a undesirable neighborhood:ar15::peepwall:

this sounds like a pretty good plan. post up progress pics!

oh, and for the m37 pioneer tool thingy suggestion on page 4. good suggestion.

One thing, though, having owned one in my time - I'd definitely go check one out and take your tools. My tools didn't fit on the one i bought sight unseen and i didn't like the latching system. i ended up getting like 5 dollars for it @ a garage sale. (paid $30.00)

[smacks forehead]


So a little update, After reading a post found here.Thanks Hovenator:wings:


I ordered this mount for my axe and shovel,should be here in a few days.
I think I'm going to weld these brackets to a plate of steel and mount them on my hood.I'll have to see when they get here.I don't really like Quickfist clamps for anything heavy or if it is to be stored outside. Here in AZ rubber and plastic do not last long.


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