I don't think anyone disagreed with you.......
just why the F were you camping there........one word....... HOT
we stopped in mojave in august last year....at the campsite on the CO river
oh look lovely blue water and people skiing.
we paid our dues set up camp...all three of us retired to sitting in the river up to our necks drinking cold ones....
except the dog...( hes was in the water...but not drinking)
we tried exiting the river multiple times......it was just sooooohot
and we ended up in a motel 6.
I work with designing instrumentation systems for weird places,,,and its surprizing what simple answers change local enviroments.
white paint-------a 4 " gap sun shield------double skin enclosures...think landrover tropical roofs.
sun shades, natural ventilation etc etc
no power required just changes in how the system is housed/shade
it makes a huge diference