Igor's 2002 Montero gen 3 build


Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
Great looking tires!

Did you go with the E-load?
I'm running my E-loads at 35 psi around town, unladen.
It's a bit stiff, but I also have the HD OME suspension.
I've never minded the "empty load ride" as long as it performs off road, fully laden...and that's just what this set up does IMHO.

Keep those great photos coming.


Fyi I ran the ST/Maxx's at 38lbs on 6000lb fj80, I would try running less than that, maybe 35 at most. The ride will certainly improve.


I dropped the pressure down to 34lbs and the rider has improved a lot without effecting my gas mileage, so this week I will be experimenting with 33/32lbs.

I finally got the lift installed and got to try out the truck on a cleghorn trail with some fellow members. It was a really fun time, and I made it through everything except for 2 rocky sections since I don't have any underside protection or sliders. I was really impressed with the performance of the montero since it was not intended to be used for something as difficult as it made it through, but good to know that it is capable of it. The problems that I encountered are the need for more ground clearance and more suspension travel, but not much can be done about either of those things.


Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
The problems that I encountered are the need for more ground clearance and more suspension travel, but not much can be done about either of those things.

Are you sure you don't want to add departure angle to that list?
Here are a couple pics of igor doing 3wheelin!




I saw that you tore down your engine. I'm about to replace my timing belt on my 2001. Any tips or tricks you can give me on removing/replacing components? I found a service manual saying you need to secure the flywheel to remove the crankshaft bolt... Really? I feel like that is only for if the engine is removed...


I removed my crankshaft pulley without that tool for a flywheel, but that could make a removal much easier. You just have to make sure that you have something to hold the crank pulley when you are torquing that bolt back on. I got a universal holder form amazon that worked pretty good for me. I also bought a tool for the tensioner. When I went to remove that bracket in front of engine that holds all of the accessory pulleys and belts, I had hard time getting it out, because I could not get my power steering or ac pump moved out of the way, so I ended up removing top plastic covers for the timing belt and sliding the whole bracket as far to passenger side and up as I could, and then I was able to angle it out. To get the crankshaft bolt off I used the starter, and I put my breaker bar through the hole on passenger side right above frame rail near radiator support.


I removed my crankshaft pulley without that tool for a flywheel, but that could make a removal much easier. You just have to make sure that you have something to hold the crank pulley when you are torquing that bolt back on. I got a universal holder form amazon that worked pretty good for me. I also bought a tool for the tensioner. When I went to remove that bracket in front of engine that holds all of the accessory pulleys and belts, I had hard time getting it out, because I could not get my power steering or ac pump moved out of the way, so I ended up removing top plastic covers for the timing belt and sliding the whole bracket as far to passenger side and up as I could, and then I was able to angle it out. To get the crankshaft bolt off I used the starter, and I put my breaker bar through the hole on passenger side right above frame rail near radiator support.

How did you use the starter to get the crank bolt loose? I've never used that method, though I have heard of it. Did you pull the fuel pump fuse beforehand?


No, I left the fuel pump fuse in, but I had spark plugs out by that point. You can also disconnect the plug for fuel injectors, that way no fuel will be sprayed in, or you can just unplug spark plug leads. I only used the starter to break the bolt loose, maybe half a turn at most. If you have another person to keep an eye on socket and breaker bar while you operate the key it would be much safer in my opinion.


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