iHike GPS iPhone App: A Review


For the last year I've been searching for a backcountry navigation app that would give me all the following features:

  • Live time tracking on a USGS topo map
  • Import/Export GPX files
  • Route planning on the iPhone
  • Tracking
  • Ability to use US Forest Service maps
  • Free maps
  • Offline maps

I've used 3 other apps in the hopes that all of these features would be available and this was the only one I've used so far that does. Others offered some features like USGS maps but wouldn't import complete GPX files (waypoints only, no track) nor would they offer a tracking feature. Others still would import tracks but didn't use USGS quads. I'm partial to the USFS and USGS maps as thats what I'm accustomed to and they provide excellent data and detail.

iHike lists the features above in addition to several others:
  • Record tracks even while your device is asleep
  • Measure distance and direction to any point on a map
  • Set a Go To waypoint or a route and see distance, bearing, course, compass heading, and ETA

I was apprehensive about spending more money on another nav app which was made worse by the lack of reviews for this app. I was pleasantly surprised in its design and execution. Below, I'll break down each menu and provide a discription.

My Location:
Your location is provided via the interal GPS receiver on your device over a map of your choice. You can download both US Geological Survey maps as well as US Forest Service maps. Personally, I prefer the USFS maps as they provide the best backcountry road information for my region.

USFS Map vs. USGS Quad

Downloading maps:
This is easily done from the Map List button. Once pushed you are provided with several options to download maps as seen below. You can store up to 200 maps which is plenty for my needs.


View of the On-Map locator sub-menu. You move the crosshairs over the region you want a map for and tap Done.

The Track page will display your trip data like mileage and elevation. You have the option of tracking your route "When Live" meaning only when the app is open and running or "Always" in which it will track you even when the device is asleep.

The waypoints menu will provide you a list of each waypoint saved on your device.

Waypoints List

Waypoint marking menu
By hitting the "Mark" button on the My Location screen you can create a waypoint for your current location or one anywhere on the current map (double tap the next map to view it or download it). You simply move the crosshairs over your desired waypoint, tap "Mark", and input a name or notes. This is the easiest way to create a route and is covered in the "Help" menu within the app.


Routes can be imported in a GPX file format via email, iTunes, Dropbox, or created using waypoints already on your device. The route below was uploaded from the EXPO resources page and is from Jerome, Az to Garland Prarie, Az. The map shown is small because I panned out to show the entire route. Zooming in and out is done with the usual iPhone pinch and zoom. While in route the maps will automacally pan from one to the next as your GPS signal passes through them. You can center the map over a geographical feature or double tap "My Location" and it will lock on and center your current location.


Help Menu
Within the app is an offline help menu. It provides a step by step guide for marking waypoints, creating routes, a map key, and a description of each screen. Its an invaluable resource to provide answers on the fly and provides many shortcuts.

This app provided all the features I was looking for and more. In my humble opinion its features rival those of some stand alone GPS units. The developer provides consistant updates and improvements through user feedback. The app is also available on iPad and its a killer way to use it. Its loaded on my wife's 1st Gen iPad but unfortunately its the non-3G model so it doesn't have a GPS.

For reference, I hard wired an iPhone cable to my Tacoma's stereo which provides power and audio http://pac-audio.com/. This allows me to keep the iPhone charged on the road and utilize its other features. Of course, I back it up with paper maps and a compass when needed but the setup has proved reliable thus far. I plan on conducting more field trials when the roads open in the spring and will provide more information on signal reliability and accuracy. Also, I'm not affiliated with the developer, I'm simply a satisfied customer that believes many in the EXPO community could use this app.
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Thanks for the in-depth review

I purchased the app and will play with it in the following weeks. Thank you for taking the time to do an in-depth review.


The app is also available on iPad and its a killer way to use it. Its loaded on my wife's 1st Gen iPad but unfortunately its the non-3G model so it doesn't have a GPS.

FYI, I use the Dual XGPS150 Bluetooth GPS unit with my iPad. Mine is 3G but I override the internal GPS receiver to use the Bluetooth one. It worked really well with MotionX all throughout Copper Canyon, Mexico...



My pleasure Fester

I looked at that pretty hard for just that reason but I got an iPhone 4s for x-mas and haven't justified the Dual in my head yet. :)

The combo with this app would be great


After using this on several trips I'm still very pleased with it. I've been able to download new maps on the fly using 3G fairly quickly. Routing in the field is easily done and I haven't had any signal problems in dense canopy. No major complaints thus far!


I've been using this exclusively for almost two years now without any major issues. The current version (4.1) will now mosaic all of your maps together so you can have one giant map stitched together. One problem with this change is that you can't zoom out as far as before with the last version. Its about 48 square miles now vs. the nearly statewide view in the previous version. Its not a big deal, but it means more finger scrolling to find a far away location. The only signal issue I've had was caused by a magnetic mount I was using, the NiteIze steelie. It was interfering with the phone's hardware and not a problem stemming from the app. Another improvement is stored tracks can be twice as long, over 100 miles. I haven't hit the limit yet and made a habit of emailing myself sections of a track if I had cell signal during a trip.

I've also learned how to use Google Earth to plot a route and import it to iHike. I most recently used it to plot a 250 mile route broken into several sections. On the trail I would choose the section I needed and drive on. This is very handy and I can update this thread with a brief tutorial if anyone's interested.


Bluebird days
I would be interested in a tutorial. I recently purchased this app and have been using on my phone, so far so good. I am currently getting things set up to mount my Ipad in vehicle. My only complaint so far is that I don't like using any in vehicle navigation with a small screen, such as my phone, but that should be better shortly.

Thanks, Cameron.


New member
Its a wonderful app and after reading this review i want to purchase it. I am very impressed with it. All its features are really good so nice to read this wonderful information.


I'll get on that tutorial, it might be a bit with the holidays and all, but I wont forget.

I agree with the screen size Cam-shaft. I've often thought the iPad mini would be a perfect size.


Tutorial: How to import a route you create from Google Earth to iHike

I use google earth for route finding before I leave on a trip. It allows me to prepare for hazards and create a gpx file for iHike. I prefer the "breadcrumb" route over strait lines and waypoints for its accuracy. When plotting a route I'll cross reference my selection with paper maps, books, or other sources with Google Earth to select the best route as well as alternates. Here is the process I use on a Mac (it's similar on PC):

Open Google Earth, zoom in on the desired area, and click on "add path" from the upper tool bar
open google earth.jpg

Move the message box out of your way, it needs to stay open until you're done drawing the route
untitled path.jpg

Draw the route in Google Earth like you would using the "Paint" application on PC
route drawn.jpg

When you're done drawing the route fill in the "description", I use the road designation or a geographical reference. You can also change the line color and thickness under the "style, color" tab. I'll use red for routes driven and yellow for un-driven. These changes wont appear in iHike, just Google Earth. Now click "Ok" to save the route.
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The file will appear in the left sidebar. Select it and right click. On the Mac an "Email" option will appear. Select this and attach the file to an email addressed to yourself.
right click route, select mail.jpg

When the email arrives, select and save the file to your desktop. This may be an unnecessary step but I haven't figured out how to save the file to my desktop from Google Earth so its easy to find.
first email.jpg

Now you need to convert the file format from Google Earth's KMZ to the more common GPX, which iHike uses. I use www.gpsvisualizer.com because its simple and can be used from any computer with internet access.

Open your web browser and go to gpsvisualizer.com
choose file 761B.jpg

In the "Get Started Now" box, select "Choose File" and select the routes kmz file from your desktop
open gpsvisulizer.jpg

Next, in the drop down menu below "Choose File" select the format you wish to convert the file to. In our case its gpx. Then click on "Ok", the program will convert the file and take you to the next page.
output format gpx file.jpg
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The next page will tell you the file has been converted and to click on the link to download the file.
download file.jpg
Once downloaded, look for the new file in the location that your computer defaults downloads to. On my Mac its the "downloads" folder, on most PC's its the desktop.

Next, select the file and rename it. I use the name I originally selected from Google Earth.

Now email the file to yourself once again...
file saved to desktop, email to self.jpg

and wait for it to arrive on your iPhone. Notice that the email attachment is labeled "761B.gpx" indicating the file format
photo 1.jpg

On your iPhone, open the email and tap and hold on the file. This will open an options menu with one of the choices being to "open in iHikeGPS". Select this option.
photo 2.jpg

This will open iHike and take you to the main menu. You'll notice a red "1" icon over the "routes" option (not shown). Select this and scroll to your new route. In my example its "761B01". Now tap on the blue and white arrow to the right of your route.
photo 3.jpg

That will open the route's menu, now select "view on a map".
photo 4.jpg

Viola, your route has been imported from Google Earth! Your "blue asterisk" icon will appear as you drive along the route.
photo 5.jpg

This process may seem lengthy or complex but it only took me about 5 minutes to do it for this example, including the screen shots. The most time consuming part is drawing the route in google earth as they can be quite long.

I believe the ability to import gpx files and overlay them on a topo map gives iHike an edge over other apps. It allows free exchange of routes and you can share the converted route with multiple people before or after a trip.

Feel free to ask any questions, I'm happy to help!
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Bluebird days
Cool thanks Mitch. This is my first look at your tutorial. I will be looking at it more thoroughly later and trying it for myself. So I am sure I will have some questions.


Sorry guys I have a newbie question on GPS nav with this app. When you are using it in the field are you using up your data plans ?
or is it stand alone with the app?
I have an Iphone6

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