I have a 2008 LR3 bought used Oct 2013 with 96,000 miles on it. I know have 174,xxx miles on it. I paid $15,500 plus tax tags title and as of today I have spent just over $20,000 in maintenance. So roughly $37000 for 8.5 years and 78,000 miles.
I have never been left sitting or had any emergency issues, but as stated about, there is always something that could use attention. I did some preventative maintenance such as the driveline fluids replaced twice so far, two sets of control arms, three sets of tires, all sorts of little odds and ends (pulleys, brake lines, gas tank shield etc). Some work I did myself, a majority by an Indy shop. I would not call the LR3 unreliable by any means as I would not hesitate to take it anywhere at any distance, but there is definately a contant stream of maintenance. My D2 was the same way but had a lot more engine related work where the LR3 engine is solid.
The first owner had the compressor replaced before I bought it and I have had zero air suspension issues so far.