Imperial Outdoors Xplore XR22


New member
Hey folks, back in the mix here. Had quite an injury in the backcountry back in Feb, had a bit of a revovery and didnt touch the X22 til this weekend. Finally got er out for the first summer trip. She is a beauty.

Couple notes and questions:
  1. Stabilizer jacks, has anyone upgraded to leveling jacks? If so, which ones? Looks like the stock stabilizers are welded to a plate inside the frame
  2. Dust.... ah man, didnt dust out the trailer on a dusty road on the way in but she sure got dusted on the way out, anyone tried the max air fan on "Air in" on dusty roads? masking tape some of the obvious inlets for dust, throw a filter on the max air?
  3. Furnace still doesnt work, swapped the sail switch, might swap the board now (didnt need it mind you)
  4. Added a secondary gopower solar controller (slave), put in a powerwerx anderson gland like the roa video, hooked up a couple 100w gopower duralites in parallel, cranked out 15ADC, better than the flat flexpanels, lol. I'll try them in series and parallel next weekend, see if the 40V ups the amps or not.
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New member
On the Xplore Trailer Community Facebook page, I deliberately discourage posting prices, other than the advertised manufacturer pricing. This is because as soon as somebody posts a low ball price, everyone will take that to their dealer and demand they beat it. It is a race to the bottom that does not account for other factors related to dealers. The dealers are our friends and provide a good service to the community. It is not good practice to use an on-line forum to pit one dealer against another, which is exactly what will happen. If the bottom line is the only consideration, service will suffer and dealers will not be able to have a more personal relationship with their customers. There will always be someone willing to cut the price lower and be a bigger disappointment in the end, while hurting the entire industry. We need quality dealers who stand behind the products and act as a liason between the public and the factory. We need them to be financially stable, understand the products and be available to help after the sale. Otherwise the public is left out in the cold with warrantee problems. Every business has to be profitable in order to thrive. Businesses have to thrive in order to build reputations and a solid customer base. Customers are the strongest form of advertising. Getting the absolute lowest price from a dealer who is only interested in quick sales, will lead to a disappointing result. There is much more to a free-market than short term price shopping or helping others find the lowest possible price. Encouraging people to go for the lowest price without realizing the problems, is only doing them a disservice. Black Series is a good example of what not to do in this area, but it happens in all industries.
Some of the dumbest writing I’ve ever read.

Are you pretending dealers are worth their salt? Clown Logic…


Well-known member
Dealers make plenty of money on thier mark ups and way to much money on long term financing on a product that should not be financed that way. Forms are a great place for consumers who want to find the best deal they can. Anyone who says different has skin in the game.
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Active member
We always tell people that it's insane to finance an item like an RV. That usually just makes people mad because they want what they want right now and dealers would make a lot less money without financing deals.


Active member
Some of the dumbest writing I’ve ever read.

Are you pretending dealers are worth their salt? Clown Logic…
Putting all dealers in the same category of not worth their salt, is a very shallow and uninformed view of how things actually work. If you don't know how to shop, compare, negotiate and avoid being taken advantage of by certain dealers, that's your problem. If you can't understand that all businesses must make a profit to stay in business, then you have no understanding of how business works. If you can't see the advantage of viewing dealers as partners, then again, you just don't get it. Try dealing with all warrantee problems by yourself, or going to the factory, with an attitude, and see how far you get. Nobody is forcing you to buy anything. Travel trailers are an optional recreational purchase. If you don't like the deal, leave. Not all dealers are crooks or out to get you. And if you cannnot see the advantage of having them on your side, as opposed to being your enemy, again, that's your problem. Maybe it's time to wake up and understand that dealers must make a reasonable profit in order to be able to deal with you. And when customers like you, come in with an attitude about them, you are already at a disadvantage. Do you like being at a disadvantage when buying something? It really isn't that difficult to be a little bit smarter, unless you don't want to.


Active member
Some of the dumbest writing I’ve ever read.

Are you pretending dealers are worth their salt? Clown Logic…
Putting all dealers in the same category of not worth their salt, is a very shallow and uninformed view of how things actually work. If you don't know how to shop, compare, negotiate and avoid being taken advantage of by certain dealers, that's your problem. If you can't understand that all businesses must make a profit to stay in business, then you have no understanding of how business works. If you can't see the advantage of viewing dealers as partners, then again, you just don't get it. Try dealing with all warrantee problems by yourself, or going to the factory, with an attitude, and see how far you get. Nobody is forcing you to buy anything. Travel trailers are an optional recreational purchase. If you don't like the deal, leave. Not all dealers are crooks or out to get you. And if you cannnot see the advantage of having them on your side, as opposed to being your enemy, again, that's your problem. Maybe it's time to wake up and understand that dealers must make a reasonable profit in order to be able to deal with you. And when customers like you, come in with an attitude about them, you are already at a disadvantage. Do you like being at a disadvantage when buying something? It really isn't that difficult to be a little bit smarter, unless you don't want to.


Well-known member
I do agree to some extent with what your saying here but your previous post about how you don't like when folks post the price they negotiated on forums and pit one dealer against the other I don't agree with. As the administrator of the Xplore FB group you can set rules like that but here on EP we are wild and free 😉 It just comes off like your protecting your buddies at ROA that you do business with. Also like to add there are several direct to customers off road trailer manufacturers that do in fact honor warranty work with local rv mechanics which are usually a lot quicker then a busy service department at a dealer.


Active member
Dealers make plenty of money on thier mark ups and way to much money on long term financing on a product that should not be financed that way. Forms are a great place for consumers who want to find the best deal they can. Anyone who says different has skin in the game.
There is more to the best deal than simply price. And it's not a good idea to pit one dealer against another by making false comparisons about price in order to set up a bidding war. Anyone can do their own research on line or by phone or in person. Forums are best used to simply make recommendations or share other information, etc. Not for posting negotiable prices or written offers. Dealers only make "plenty of money" if people are willing to pay large profit margins. Nobody is forced to buy anything and there are plenty of places to buy stuff. Lots are full of RVs for sale. Why would anyone feel they were forced to overpay? Why would anyone buy from a dishonest dealer, or one they just don't like? Buying an RV is an optional purchase. Don't buy if you are not getting a good deal. Don't buy if you hate the dealer or know they don't service warrantee issues properly. Do your research to find out. It's also a bad idea to finance an RV. Most of them lose value way faster than their value to re-sell. Not all, but the typical American travel trailer, yes. People that must finance toys, that lose value rapidly, are probably not the best at financial planning, or discipline. Either way, if you want someone to loan you money, they must feel there is a chance they'll get it back. They must have an incentive to take the risk. If in business, they must make a profit on that risk. The bank's incentive is a higher interest rate. If you don't like the terms, don't sign the papers. You probably should not be financing an RV anyway. BTW, I have no "skin in the game" I am not affiliated with any dealers, or banks. But I do get tired of comments that imply anyone is business is a crook, or dishonest or taking advantage of everyone. There will always be someone ready to take advantage of you, if you let them. And there will always be honest businesses that are really service oriented. The service oriented ones are the ones where past customers are their strongest sales force. They are the ones to deal with. I don't have to have skin in the game to recognize the difference. Or to recommend good dealers to my friends. Or to shoot down the notion that all dealers are dishonest. For instance, I was simply surprised and pleased with the deals that were offered to me on the last three trailers I bought. I already pretty much knew what their costs were. I was not in a hurry, or trying to finance. No drama, no anger, no accusations, no bad mouthing them on line, no posting written offers. I simple said "I'll take it!" And each time, I was and still am, very glad I did.


Active member
I do agree to some extent with what your saying here but your previous post about how you don't like when folks post the price they negotiated on forums and pit one dealer against the other I don't agree with. As the administrator of the Xplore FB group you can set rules like that but here on EP we are wild and free 😉 It just comes off like your protecting your buddies at ROA that you do business with. Also like to add there are several direct to customers off road trailer manufacturers that do in fact honor warranty work with local rv mechanics which are usually a lot quicker then a busy service department at a dealer.
Oliver is one manufacturer that only sells direct to customers and has a very good reputation. I bought one and know them well. I speak highly of them when asked by potential customers, but I don't work for them, and they don't need my help to survive. And if you think ROA needs my help or protection, you are mistaken. They speak for themselves, not through me. I don't break trail for them. I live 600 miles away and have no afiliation with them except as a past customer. Having dealt with them on more than one occasion, and at more than one event, I have developed friendships and respect there. Does that mean I'm dishonest if I don't run them down on Facebook? Hardly. I may be part of the "past customer sales force", though. I also think it's funny that so many people cannot accept business realities or think if someone is happy with a purchase, they must be dishonest or hiding something. With me, what you see is what you get. No hidden agenda, as hard as that may be for you to believe. I'll admit that I have gotten some good deals from ROA, but I fail to see how that is "protecting" them. And since I'm not posting those deals here, where it's wild and free, I'm not promoting them either. So what is your point again?
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Active member
We always tell people that it's insane to finance an item like an RV. That usually just makes people mad because they want what they want right now and dealers would make a lot less money without financing deals.
Wow. An honest dealer who understands their customers. Be careful. Around here dealers are all assumed to be dishonest. It's a notion so many have a hard time letting go of. Even customers who are not mad, are suspected of being secret agents for unscrupulous dealers.


Well-known member
Oliver is one manufacturer that only sells direct to customers and has a very good reputation. I bought one and know them well. I speak highly of them when asked by potential customers, but I don't work for them, and they don't need my help to survive. And if you think ROA needs my help or protection, you are mistaken. They speak for themselves, not through me. I don't break trail for them. I live 600 miles away and have no afiliation with them except as a past customer. Having dealt with them on more than one occasion, and at more than one event, I have developed friendships and respect there. Does that mean I'm dishonest if I don't run them down on Facebook? Hardly. I may be part of the "past customer sales force", though. I also think it's funny that so many people cannot accept business realities or think if someone is happy with a purchase, they must be dishonest or hiding something. With me, what you see is what you get. No hidden agenda, as hard as that may be for you to believe. I'll admit that I have gotten some good deals from ROA, but I fail to see how that is "protecting" them. And since I'm not posting those deals here, where it's wild and free, I'm not promoting them either. So what is your point again?

I guess my point is searching in forums for pricing is research and a good way to find the best deal and I just think you come off arrogant and way to wordy. That said I do appreciate your knowledge and all the mods you do. Come on no skin in the game. How many mchitchs has ROA sold for you?


New member
Oliver is one manufacturer that only sells direct to customers and has a very good reputation. I bought one and know them well. I speak highly of them when asked by potential customers, but I don't work for them, and they don't need my help to survive. And if you think ROA needs my help or protection, you are mistaken. They speak for themselves, not through me. I don't break trail for them. I live 600 miles away and have no afiliation with them except as a past customer. Having dealt with them on more than one occasion, and at more than one event, I have developed friendships and respect there. Does that mean I'm dishonest if I don't run them down on Facebook? Hardly. I may be part of the "past customer sales force", though. I also think it's funny that so many people cannot accept business realities or think if someone is happy with a purchase, they must be dishonest or hiding something. With me, what you see is what you get. No hidden agenda, as hard as that may be for you to believe. I'll admit that I have gotten some good deals from ROA, but I fail to see how that is "protecting" them. And since I'm not posting those deals here, where it's wild and free, I'm not promoting them either. So what is your point again?
Every time you post, it gets worse…


Active member
I guess my point is searching in forums for pricing is research and a good way to find the best deal and I just think you come off arrogant and way to wordy. That said I do appreciate your knowledge and all the mods you do. Come on no skin in the game. How many mchitchs has ROA sold for you?
I get tired of being accused by those unwilling to honestly engage and that have an agenda of their own. Or those promoting hate. If you are unwilling to honestly have a conversation, and always looking for proof of your fantasies with fake examples, what you are actually doing is calling me a liar. That brings no value to the conversation. None. And by the way ROA stocks hitches because the public wants them, there is a demand for them. ROA can profit from them. They aren't doing it for me, and I don't kiss anybodys ass to make a sale. Period. It's too bad you can't stand the honesty. Meanwhile, maybe you'll begin to see why I'm not here more often. The negativity and accusations. I buy a new trailer about every two years and put about 20,000 miles on each one. I evaluate them, improve them and share how to do it. For fun, and because I enjoy the design challenges. It's tiring to always be accused of having some hidden agenda. Don't you get tired of the same old song, over and over?


Well-known member
I don't hate I just think it's ridiculous that you try to influence folks to not let other folks know what they are paying for the trailers they are buying. For example I was looking to buy Toyota for several years and was frustrated with crazy dealer markups. Then I decided I really liked the Lexus GX 460. I went to my local dealer and the salesmen said " hey man we are selling these at msrp". I almost bought one that day. Then I joined a few a FB group were folks were posting that they were 4k under msrp.

I considered my obsession with these forums as being a consumer advocate and to help people. Not out of hate.

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