In Gaia which maps do you like?


Standard USGS Topo (or, when visiting National Forest land- FS maps) in Gaia on the phone, simul with Garmin 1:24,000, or Garmin 1:100,000, or Caltopo USGS on the Garmin Montana.


I use Gaia on a tablet for off road travel.
I use Satellite with labels, NatGeo trails illustrated and Gaia roadmap. I always download the satelite imagery and then also Nat Geo if it covers where I am going and if not then Gaia roadmap. I download satellite to level 16 most times and the others 14 to 16 depending on how much detail I need for the given area.
I usually pre-plan my routes so satellite is the one I use most. It's like having a drone to get an idea of your surroundings. Sometimes when you run into an intersection of multiple trails the satellite is easier to use to find the one you want or yo can scout ahead and see if there are any areas that look like they would have trees to camp out of the sun etc.
I will also use the MVUM and Hunt GMU map overlays.



anyone use the backroad maps for Canada on this? I'm thinking this map set is probably worth the premium subscription.


When planning an adventure I start with one of the road maps as a base map, add a forest service map which I can toggle opacity and interchange with the topo map, then top it with a public lands layer, followed by the MVUM .

You can add layers and delete, for instance just use the topo map as the base layer....

I am looking for out of the way dispersed camping sights and when found on Gaia or google maps -or where ever-go back to Gaia and drop a campsite pin. (See photo Silverton Colorado area)

When you download for off line use all the layers come with it and you still have the ability to toggle each depending which phase of planning you are in. Once I see which highway or paved road to get to the ballpark add a waypoint and I delete that layer as a lot of these paved roads don’t show up very well on the topo of USFS maps.

I download at the strongest zoom possible and use an iPad mini 4 with cellular. The cellular aids in obtaining positioning with towers and GPS-Even without a SIM card in. Otherwise use a third party Bluetooth GPS unit such as Bad Elf to obtain position when in the back country.

Couldn’t be happier with GAIA

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