in need of help!

b jeepin

on a trip in the up of michigan, stranded with my 1995 land rover discovery, manual trans
the 4wd disengaged at a stop and now the truck sits immobile! loaded with all camp gear and dirt bikes on a small trailer, looking for any ideas on how to get moving again. internet service is scarce so please call me (brad) @ 6167800917. tcase just grinding when trying to go, attempted to force linkage underneath and checked fluid level, found little low but not signs of metal. help!


When you say the 4WD disengaged, you mean you had it in 4lo or 4hi? Did it pop out or just grind to a halt?


Supporting Sponsor
Left my number on your cell. You maybe just in neutral. Try getting it into low and then back to hi. Lock and un lock


Justin, Did he call? Is he out?

b jeepin,

Whats the story morning glory? hope its a good tale, and not the death of a rover or a relationship.

Mike and Myles


Expedition Leader
I've had similar issues in the past

1 transfer case mount bust and the low-high neutral lever hit against the body where it went through the tunnel- no changy- jacked up T case - engaged and strapped in place untill could get a new one

2 D2 with a D1 linkage- the linkage folded up- I was luckily stuck in high at the time
removed the gear selector and cover- removed linkage- welded up and replaced

3 sector in transfer case to worn and would drop out of gear under load.
needed new selector
luckily friendly garage mechanic gave me one for free out of a grenaded one.

b jeepin

thanks everyone

well i am now home, tryied everything i can think of on the spot to see if i could get mobile. ended up renting a u-haul truck and loading trailer bikes and gear in the truck and rover trailered home.
still just now unpacked and about to get into the rover concern, i think the internals of the transfer case may be in trouble, i did check fluid level and condition and didn't pull out a sparkly sample looks to be no metal in the fluid. the 4wd lever on my rover moves freely into what feels like high and low positions, also high and low lock. transfer case when put in gear makes a grinding noise, sounds like it is not engaging into gear. i tried to force it a bit and went from underneath and tried to manually push the linkage but no difference.
the thing i find odd was the situation when it occurred, i was driving on road had not shifted t-case at all that day and i believe the day prior either but did use low a handfull of times before that. when it stopped working i stopped at a stop sign and waited for traffic to clear. went to take off and all i had was a grinding and no forward motion. being a manual i also shifted through gears and the speed of the grinding noise changes as you would expect 1 slower and 5th faster.
at this point safe and at home but still looking for simpler ideas before i have to tear the truck down, im off work till mon so i need to get to work.
thanks again, Brad.


Supporting Sponsor
Here is the pic we talked about
Undo part 10 and look in there for the bolt we spoke about. To me it sounds like the Tcase is in neutral


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Could it be input shaft spline wear on the LT230? That vintage R380 and LT230, wasn't it prone to that problem? I wouldn't expect the problem would appears suddenly from out of nowhere, but it's a possibility based on the noise being described.

To look for metal in the oil, you need to pull the drain, not the fill plug. If the truck has been sitting still, the metal settles to the bottom so you won't see it so much at the fill plug.
I had a sticky lt230 linkage once and bent the hell out of the high low actuator rod like Justin describes. In my case i could @ least get it in low so I knew it was the linkage. Hope its somethng simple, sucks when things break and you are towing a trailer.

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