inexpensive GPS receiver - usb connector


I'm setting up my netbook as a nav computer and am looking at a couple of various options for the gps receiver.

any recommendations for a usb receiver? something like the delorme earthmate LT40? something with bundled software would be ideal, depending on the software, of course.


New member
I used to use a Garmin GPS 18 USB with my laptop. It's been discontinued, but you can still find it for under $100, software included.


I use the Delorme, It's not the most perfect software. However once it locks onto the sats. it doesn't let go. none of that " where am I" just when you might really need it. The Topo software doesn't have some of the really fine detail some require, but for 90% of the time it works just fine. I run it on a Acer Net book. Hope this "opinion" helps Ya.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
While this wasn't bundled it all works very well together...
GPS - Globalsat 353

GpsGate so more than 1 program can see the gps at a time

Delorme Topo which is good for streets & decent on trails, nice for finding a gas station or campsite

Oziexplorer which uses free USGS topo's and let's you see all the old mines, and cool stuff that only a topo has. There are other free programs like USAPhotomaps but each has it's merits.

I have run this setup on a few differnt laptops in a couple of rigs and love it, fast starts, nice to switch between programs with Alt-tab and no real complaints.


Ive got the Delorme LT40 on my HP mini... I JUSt got the mount for in the truck so Ill give it a go this week.

However... I set it up inside, not really near a window, but in view. It locked on in less than 1 minute from a cold start. Outside, the accuracy Ive seen is within 1' 3D. Thats pretty good for $70 out of the box.


The Globalsat 353 is a steal. Mine was $35 shipped to me and has been flawless. I did have some problems running it on a Vista machine but on XP and Windows 7 there are no issues.

I borrowed a Delorme puck as well and had the same issues on a Vista based machine. Conclusion: Software not hardware.

Anyway, I cannot recommend the 353 enough, and you can get navigation on your laptop for under $50.

The Delorme Topo is very good, but it isn't user friendly and takes a long time to learn well enough for day to day use. I am thinking of trying something else, but I don't like the idea of $100/state for nat geo.


Garmin 20x

I use the Garmin 20x. You can purchase it separatly or with Garmin Mobile PC software. I got the Garmin Mobile PC Package and have been very satisfied with it.

However, to use any Garmin USB GPS receiver with non Garmin software, you will need to purchase 3rd party translation software as currently all Garmin USB receivers only output in Garmin's proprietary language and not in NMEA. I have been very happy with GpsGate as it allows the receiver to be used with multiple applications at once.


is the GlobalSat 353 better than the Delorme LT40? appears to be clearing out the Delorme stuff. Street Atlas 2010 and the LT40 can be had for $39.99 plus shipping.

is the sirf star III chipset better than the teseo chipset in the delorme unit?


local best buy had the SA2010 in stock and I had a gift card.

however, if there's a good difference, I'll take the Delorme unit back and get the 353.
I just oredered the GlobalSat BU-353 based on the comments in this post. I see that it's magnetic & water proof, so I picked up an additional 6' USB extension cable assuming I'll be running it on top of the Jeep. Is that the proper setup?
So, my Garmin Nroute doesn't communicate with my Globalsat BU-353. Apparently the NMEA data is not readable by the Garmin software.

So far I've found that there is a free program that will convert the data called GPSProxy

The program promted me to install Active Sync in order to install. The Microsoft site says that active Sync is for XP and older machines and that Vista & Win 7 machines should install Win Mobile Device Center.

I installed the MDC with no luck, then tried installing the Active Sync, but couldn't due to compatability issues. No suprise I guess.

So anyone have another solution. Preferably a FREE one.

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